Railway11mo ago

MySQL Issues

project ID: 9fb67cc6-a3d3-40fe-9ea6-540cf1686845 Not sure how to fix this I've been trying for ages any ideas? I'm genuinely not sure what the error is I'm very new to MySQL and im using railway service variables if thats any help.
18 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: 9fb67cc6-a3d3-40fe-9ea6-540cf1686845
Brody11mo ago
1. try restarting it in the mysql settings page 2. if you're new to mysql, there's still time to switch to postgres, a brand new idle mysql instance will cost you minimum 5$ a month, postgres at idle would cost under 2$
missile111mo ago
Ah alright ill swap over to prostgres i have one more question about a different project do i need to make a new forum post or can i do it here?
Brody11mo ago
you can ask here!
missile111mo ago
Alright so, ive been having a issue deploying a python application from github to railway, it builds and deploys correctly but soon as it runs the code it says its missing the dependencies even though it say's its installed the dependencies correctly when building it.
missile111mo ago
missile111mo ago
missile111mo ago
Brody11mo ago
strange can you show me the build table at the top of the build logs please?
missile111mo ago
Alright one moment
missile111mo ago
Brody11mo ago
everything looks fine, I can't see any issues I'll ask an actual python dev when I see them around
missile111mo ago
alright thanks Don't worry. im going to be hosting one locally. if you want to close this you can im not sure what to do with this.
I am not sure if that will change anything but it doesn't hurt to try, in your requirements.txt its discord.py=2.1.1 isn't it supposed to just be discord==2.1.1
missile111mo ago
Sadly not, ive tried multiple times no change thanks for the help though.
jonbeau11mo ago
It all looks the same as mine, but mine uses python 3.8 and works. Maybe you could try overriding the python version by setting an env variable NIXPACKS_PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 (or remove the override you already have, because i believe 3.8 is default) https://nixpacks.com/docs/providers/python
Python | Nixpacks
App source + Nix packages + Docker = Image
jonbeau11mo ago
& discord.py is on 2.3.1 now. if you use the old version because of slash commands, you have to sync those manually now
missile111mo ago
alright thanks!