Need Help Deciding on Scheduled Publishing Time

So these two photos are indications of what happened with my two most recent releases. Both were released at midnight, one yesterday and one today. For my short yesterday, the peak was at 6 am for about 900+ views then started to decrease slowly. For today's short, my peak was exactly at release time which was around 1100+ at 12 am. What I'm trying to figure out is what do you guys think would be best? Make it later? Make it earlier? Try sticking with the midnight release time?
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5 Replies
GlyphGuide•11mo ago
Publishing time has little impact over the long term. What does your watch to swipe through rate look like? Also info about interactions, and average watchtime
JulioRolio•11mo ago
Not too good 😂
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GlyphGuide•11mo ago
OOoffff. If your videos are like this consistently, I heard it may be best to try a different format or maybe change an element of your creative process
Ginnetix•11mo ago
I've been doing daily Shorts for a little over 3 months now. I've experimented with different upload times. Before, During, After high traffic hours. Now, I just post whenever my clip is ready. Can be 6pm, can be 11:50pm. Haven't noticed a difference in views. It's all about the quality of your content & if it has value to your target audience. About it. Also, check your analytics in the Shorts tab. The Impressions click-through rate (CTR) is only for long-form content. Check the Shorts analytics individually though. Look at the Viewed/Swiped and Audience Retention. If you have low viewed %, then you need to figure out how to make the first 1-2sec of your Short good enough to make someone stop scrolling. If your viewed % is high, but retention is low. You need to work on "trimming the fat" of the video. Things you can remove that don't add value. A good rule of thumb is if you can cut something out and the video still makes sense. Getting higher viewed % is more important than having 100% audience retention. For example. A video with 60% Viewed / 40% Swiped with 80% audience retention is better than a video with 30% Viewed / 70% Swiped with 180% retention. Hope this helps!
Schap•11mo ago
i think the thing to focus on teh most is trying to find a good rhyhm when you stream.