Railway10mo ago

Need to whitelist IP for Razor Payouts integration

Hi everyone, I have deployed the spring boot app (apis) on railway and I want to integrate Razor Payouts and for that I need to whitelist the IP, I created a method for checking the IP and it seems to me that with every deployment it changes. Is there any way for me to make it possible? Project ID: 875623a1-1ac4-45ee-b981-fb94cbc73940
3 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 875623a1-1ac4-45ee-b981-fb94cbc73940
Brody10mo ago
you are correct, services do not have a static IP, they are dynamic, and liable to change from deployment to deployment, you will either have to use a proxy that gives you a static IP, or whitelist all ip addresses with a cidr range or wildcard
Sandeep10mo ago
Okay, thanks for help. I will look into the proxy.