Basic 100% cotton (including stitching) T shirt

I hit the J. Crew T's hard from 2011-2013, and those same six shirts lasted me until now. I am down to two of them, and both have very small holes representing incipient inappropriateness in the back. Looking for alternatives which are essentially more of the same. Additional qualities (not in the title) which I'm looking for but would deal without: slim fit, short (would hang not too far past the belt), solid color, pocket. Price: under $60 per T. I'd prefer something more around 30, totally cool with that price being a bulk-only or regular-sale thing.
2 Replies
mattw28210mo ago
Maybe Tezomeya, but you're fairly unlikely to find a tee that uses cotton thread.
birdplen10mo ago
No idea what they use for thread, but Bronson might tick enough boxes to be an option