How long should my let's play videos be?

So I played LA Noire on Twitch not too long ago and now I want to upload my playthrough on Youtube but I'm not sure how long I should make each video. 1 hour each? 2 hours? For context, it took me over 20 hours to beat the game and I don't exactly want to upload 20 parts that are one hour...but at the same time is 2 hours each too long? Thank you for your help!
4 Replies
Afrodo9mo ago
Well, it depends. Naturally, you're going to need to edit things to a degree. Most playthroughts will cut out various bits of things that aren't important to the actual story. Empty driving sections, redoing areas after dying, small stuff like that. That's bound to shave off at least an hour minimum. If you want to do it as a full playthrough, then you'll probably be better doing longer runs, though if you want to do more of a highlights reel, I wouldn't recommend going beyond 30 miinutes unless you're absolutely sure you're stuff is going to be a gut buster.
Lunar9mo ago
Ok thank you, I agree I feel like once I edit out unnecessary stuff it will bring my videos down a lot. I think I will shoot for 30 minutes per video and then make shorts of moments I thought were interesting/funny. Thanks!
Vexx9mo ago
Thirty is a little short, IMO, but as long as you don't go like twenty minutes or less. That's super short, and it's annoying to wait on a new video, only to see a few more minutes worth.
Lunar9mo ago
Yeahh I see what you mean. I think since it’s a long playthrough I may shoot for around 1 hour for each video