Railway11mo ago

region is only exclusive for pro plan?

i'm planning to subscribe to hobby plan because it's more fit for me but my only concern is that i can't specify region for my node js app such as Europe. is there any information for this?
99 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: N/A
8v.11mo ago
MantisInABox11mo ago
Regions have not been made available as of yet. We have no information at this time on how they will be made available
8v.11mo ago
yeah that's why i want to know from the team if it will be available for hobby plan or only pro plan ?
MantisInABox11mo ago
When the feature is made available, the team will provide all the details about that and how it will all work. Last update on this was that they will be available on Friday. But there is always a possibility that could change
Adam11mo ago
it will be provided for both hobby and pro 99% on that too many hobby plan people are asking for it for the team to lock it behind a paywall
Ray11mo ago
We're leaning towards Pro only for these reasons: - Requiring workloads in other regions has mostly been a compliance ask for regulatory reasons (e.g. GDPR in EU) - Most of the "currently on hobby" folks we've spoken with would upgrade without a second thought for regions - It doesn't benefit hobby much from our perspective - ^ plus requiring multi-regions for workloads on hobby kinda goes against "this is a hobby project"
MantisInABox11mo ago
Makes perfect sense! Thanks Ray
Adam11mo ago
Understood, thanks Ray @Brody ^ fyi
Brody11mo ago
ay thanks for the tag, I totally missed this sounds good too! agree x4
saintcore11mo ago
Whats with latency reasons? Don't get me wrong, railways pricing is awesome and more then fair (I even still get the 5 dollar subscription fee waived off each month ❤️ ), but paying 20 dollars a month just to be able to run my app in europe I don't know.. I don't need more ram/vcpu or anything else (and the 20 dollars are imho still more then fair for what you get if you need it) but almost all of my users will be in europe. If I get you right my only option will be to upgrade to pro if I want to run a service in europe-region right?
Adam11mo ago
Currently, regions are a very new (unreleased) feature on Railway and have been in development for multiple years. Because of this, they have been very expensive and the team has made the decision to lock them behind a paywall for now This will be revisited in the future
saintcore11mo ago
I fully understand that and I can also understand that we don't get this "for free" (what I'm not asking for), my concern is the difference (from a "hobby" perspective): - I'm not even near the ressource maxs per container/service which come with hobby - I don't need private networks, horizontal scalling or email-support at all - The only thing that would be nice would be to select the region (I don't even need multiple regions) where to run my service. Paying 15 Dollars a month for that only (with single to none benefit in my case from the other features that come with pro) is imho a huge price difference. I would love to have the option to select regions as a (for example) "plugin" and paying an additional X Dollars a month while staying on hobby. But of course you're right, regions aren't yet published and all the reasons outlined here are imho right. Lets see where things will go and perhaps this will be changing at some point 🙂 but as I see @Angelo (:P) was typing at the same time: I really don't want to be misunderstood here, the deal offered by railway is still unbeatable. Fallen in love with you railway -folks 🥰
angelo11mo ago
Hey @saintcore. - heard. Although we are reticent to start carving out this as a opt-in (and other platforms regionalize the compute cost) due to confusion we figured for demand/offering reasons we tier the offering. Most of the users asking for this are companies, not hobby users. The data tells us that users are okay with the latency as long as they get a smooth build/deploy exp. We will continue to make features that are essentiall to the build <> deploy experience accessible to all. Regions in our opinion, essential to have a good end user experience don't change how one handles deploys. (And the day we built it means you ideally shouldn't) So we will, for now: 1) Gate the feature at the top end 2) Keep on gathering feedback what should be paid and not paid Just like volumes where we had different tiers for use-cases, we think networking and regions fit different patterns. You understandably may not need priv-nets but ironically, I think that is a Hobby level offering as service to service communication is needed for docker-compose and is a base level primitative, latency isn't (open to being wrong here) There's a whole other conversation about hard gates and soft gates and we are hard at work letting people try Pro features to validate that they work without needing to upgrade immediately but fair warning, I will be in your inbox for the upsell.
BrianJM11mo ago
@rayofbytes One benefit of staying on the hobby plan is cost limits. There is no way (in the platform) to limit CPU and memory usage outside of the plan. That said, regions are needed for our intended purposes but currently have no need for a "team" plan (we intend to integrate limited features and workflows via API and scripts).
macwilko11mo ago
I think it makes sense to be paywalled, but probably you might want to consider adding some usage to the Pro plan?
macwilko11mo ago
No description
macwilko11mo ago
a nearest competitor is fly.io the Pro plan is comparable to the Launch plan also, from what I know about regions, it doesn't yet include a load balancer across regions? Which is an additional cost on Cloudflare 😦
Brody11mo ago
I've heard Angelo say they'd like to do the load balancing across multiple regions thing at some point, and Ray has even said the feature wouldn't be available right away, so... soon ™️
macwilko11mo ago
I think railway has the nicest DX out there, and pricing is excellent. But you've already got that... now comes the challenge of building something truly incredible. I imagine regions is a start to that... i'de love if Railway could talk more about their longer term, bigger picture thinking behind the platform too
angelo11mo ago
Sounds like we need a community call
Brody11mo ago
get your pr voice warmed up! 🤣
angelo11mo ago
"stuff sucks, we know" "...but look at this changelog"
Brody11mo ago
nah im happy, reference variables are fixed now
macwilko11mo ago
I'de love to listen in, you're doing awesome!
angelo11mo ago
the team*
MantisInABox11mo ago
This platform is terrible! Can’t stand how there are new feature updates each week! Gah! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
dexie_11mo ago
Hey, sorry for bumping old threads, but since regions shipped, what is the final decision? Are regions going to be pro-only, or eventually be available in hobby? I am EU developer and mostly want only EU instance for most of my pet projects, but 25$ is just too much for my "hobby" projects
MantisInABox11mo ago
At this time, regions will only be available to pro users
dexie_11mo ago
Asyndesis11mo ago
Just curious- Beta regions were working (My websocket app had pings of 70) a few days ago with the hobby plan.
Now i'm back up to 180 pings. Is this intentional? If so i sadly have to dip too.
Brody11mo ago
are you on the pro plan?
Asyndesis11mo ago
I'm on the beta, but pay for hobby plan. Regions are only reason i'm paying for railway though. Feel a bit baited if now they're only going to be for pro users.
Brody11mo ago
hobby plan users do not get access to regions
Asyndesis11mo ago
It's okay, Koyeb.com offers this. You guys just had good DX. Thanks anyway man
Brody11mo ago
I mean I don't work for railway but that's for letting me know 🤣
Asyndesis11mo ago
All good. I wrote a complaint and canceled plan.
JustJake11mo ago
It does actually have a cross regional load balancer
macwilko11mo ago
Hey jake! that's very awesome news! does this mean I can deploy a service, and have it run in multiple locations on Railway? like an API?
macwilko11mo ago
My fingers are hovering here
No description
JustJake11mo ago
Multi regional replicas aren't live yet, but the global edge network is So, if you're europe, it'll hit the european edge, then european instance We'll do multi region replicas next quarter
macwilko11mo ago
nice to hear!! I'm looking forward to regional replicas... I'm waiting on this
Brody11mo ago
is the shoe deal still going on for that too?
macwilko11mo ago
i mean luckily for me, it's not do or die to have this right now... but I think it must be a fairly essential feature for modern day SaaS businesses. luckily I still have plenty of room to optimise my query speed before latency issue would offer additional benefit
JustJake11mo ago
Shoe deal is off In the future I may make another one but we got it out in time (this time) Absolutely! And we’ve had talks internally about this In all likelyhood what will probably happen is that, when we launch multi region deploys, single region deploys will move to Hobby (Not for sure, but it’s been thrown around)
Brody11mo ago
and now thrown around publicly
Ray11mo ago
and it should always be 😉 Keeping roadmap/our thoughts public is a great way to build a feedback loop so we're not building in the dark and users are not thrown into the void There needs to be a clear line between "here's what we currently think" and users going "hey you said you were going to do this" though
Brody11mo ago
yeah the second part is what I'm getting at
macwilko11mo ago
When I first heard about this was too funny 🤣 literally every software project I’ve been involved in has never run on time 🫣 so I was totally expecting a shoe eating 🤣 Absolutely this 🚀
pauldps10mo ago
My 2c as a Hobby user is that I’d love to benefit from the better latency from region selection. I’m a solotrepeneur and don’t really need team features or email support (I’m good with community support). However I heavily optimize my apps for low CPU/RAM usage so that I can run medium-scale production apps within the limits of the Hobby plan. (I do think “Hobby” is kind of a misnomer there…) So I could benefit from region selection or even private networking to make latency better for my apps.
Brody10mo ago
i dont think the hobby plans name is a misnomer at all, if anything the team (pro) plans name is a misnomer since you dont need to have a team of devs to be required to be on the pro plan, the hobby plan is intended for hobby use cases only, if you are serving users or + 200ms is hurting you, then you should be on the pro plan. id also like to note private networking is not limited to pro and never has been
pauldps10mo ago
id also like to note private networking is not limited to pro and never has been
it says so in the Pricing page
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Brody10mo ago
i know, it was just something to put in there to make the pro plan look more appealing
pauldps10mo ago
noted -- I'm not using it yet but I'm working on converting an API to Node/Bun and run it on Railway with private networking. Although part of that effort was also hoping that I could deploy my apps on US-east region. I'm currently running said API on Fly.io since I can deploy to the appropriate region there.
Brody10mo ago
right, as noted above if you have any sort of userbase you would generally want to be on the pro plan, as that is no longer a hobby usecase in the eyes of railway
pauldps10mo ago
In all likelyhood what will probably happen is that, when we launch multi region deploys, single region deploys will move to Hobby
I'll be hoping for this in the meanwhile
BrianJM10mo ago
if you are serving users or + 200ms is hurting you
Does the pro plan have reduced latency? Why would serving users be better on the pro plan?
Brody10mo ago
because you can serve users from a region thats closer to them
BrianJM10mo ago
Thanks. I wasn't sure if there are limitations (beyond CPU/RAM as noted on the pricing page).
Brody10mo ago
nope, the hobby and pro plans both use the same hardware, just you get more on pro
macwilko10mo ago
I mean, it would make sense if Pro plan did include faster CPUs
Brody10mo ago
same Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.80GHz on hobby and pro
macwilko10mo ago
I'll put money on 1-2 years from now there will be further segmentation of plans 😉
Brody10mo ago
Railway Pro Mini
macwilko10mo ago
hehe Enterprise enters the chat
macwilko10mo ago
gimme that AMD Epyc and GPU
BrianJM10mo ago
I'm working through migrating to Railway. I forsee staying on the Hobby plan because there is an explicit limitation on CPU/RAM. Our uses cases are primary brochure websites, and we generally limit to 2-4 CPU depending on the purpose and client's plan. RAM is easier to control. But we really never need more than 256 MB - 1 GB per client.
Brody10mo ago
okay but please dont be surprised when railway tells you that you should be on pro (because you should)
BrianJM10mo ago
OK, but I still don't see why I should except for the name. 😄 Don't need more RAM or CPU, and don't need regions (although it would be nice). Our clients don't care about a 50-100ms difference in latency.
Brody10mo ago
the current plan you are on is called hobby, I don't think you could say you are using the hobby plan for strictly a hobby use case at this point
macwilko10mo ago
honestly loving Railway DX... I imagine once regions get their full implementation (e.g, multiple regions load balanced over services)... and I'm curious to know what other improvements will come down the line, performance is king, so making Railway progressively faster so I can offer faster response times. It's unbelievable to me all this is at my fingertips as a Solo founder.
macwilko10mo ago
No description
macwilko10mo ago
I guess the idea should always be to offer more stuff in each of your plans, so users are like... damn... I need that... and upgrade
BrianJM10mo ago
Did I miss that in the terms?
Brody10mo ago
it's the name of the plan lol
BrianJM10mo ago
You said "strictly hobby" so I assumed that meant there are restrictions.
Brody10mo ago
well I'd say it's more of an honours thing, as in it's not heavily enforced
macwilko10mo ago
I mean one thing I saw from PlanetScale which I think the Railway team could consider for inspiration:
macwilko10mo ago
PlanetScale Boost: Up to 1,000× faster queries in just a few clicks
PlanetScale Boost is a real-time query cache that automatically handles cache invalidation for you with one line of code.
BrianJM10mo ago
"Team" isn't strictly "team" right. I don't fit into either I guess?
Brody10mo ago
that's why it was changed to pro
BrianJM10mo ago
My work is my hobby that pays the bills, and I don't need a team to have access to the UI.
Brody10mo ago
I'm just a conductor so I don't really care, I'm just telling you what's up
BrianJM10mo ago
Just my feedback regarding names and the intended purpose of each. There are prople in between. I hear you. Just the passenger providing feedback. 😄
macwilko10mo ago
Railways success is in all our interests, because we're building our business on their bussiness it's a mutual relationship
Brody10mo ago
oh yeah for sure there is people in between, would you say you are in between? if you are okay saying, how many users do you have?
BrianJM10mo ago
Agreed. I love what I'm seeing and am looking forward to more. I am certain there will be a feature reason to upgrade in the future. Can I DM you that detail?
Brody10mo ago
hmmm I don't know if I care that much lol, worried a team member might see a big number and ask you to upgrade? lol
BrianJM10mo ago
Less than 100 public brochure style websites. A majority of traffic is served from a cache (Varnish or NGINX) or CDN (Cloudflare). Backends are either PHP or Node, plus a DB. Plus internal apps - vaults, crm, etc. For this use case, the most expensive component is bandwidth (hence the CDN where media is offloaded).
Brody10mo ago
railway would probably consider that pro worthy, but like I said, not up to me to enforce, just wanted to let you know
BrianJM10mo ago
I appreciate the feedback.
JustJake10mo ago
The way I’d probably describe it is “I’d be annoyed/dissatisfied if this wasn’t served as quick as possible” Pro is basically “production requirements” For us, we don’t mind too much if you don’t. At some point, this will be mission critical for you (or it won’t and that’s great too!) But, if it’s mission critical for a business, I’d be on the Pro plan 🤷‍♂️
BrianJM10mo ago
That's fair and makes sense. Thank you for elaborating. 🙂
macwilko10mo ago
Cooper, is it on the roadmap to have multiple regions be deployable to a service? I can't see it on the tracker
Brody10mo ago
it is, team has said that a few times around the server
macwilko10mo ago
hyped. my body is ready
JustJake10mo ago
Added to tracker