Difficulty with deploying a Flask + React app

Hi - I have a code architecture with a Flask backend (python) and a Node React frontend. The architecture of my code is as follows: api/ (flask app) -- api.py -- <other flask files> main.py frontend/ -- package.json -- <other react files> For a deployment, I need to be able to: 1) start the Flask server 2) cd into the frontend directory 3) npm install && npm run build the frontend. On my local machine, I am running the FE & BE through two different terminals. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
3 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: 2ac3a30b-e6a2-45ec-9a48-402e345c10b2
jorshman9mo ago
Brody9mo ago
have a look at this https://docs.railway.app/deploy/monorepo#isolated-monorepo tl;dr you need two services in your project, one for the frontend and one for the backend