trying to start a youtube channel, but...

I don't have a cam or a mic, and even if I did, im not the type of guy to talk on camera or do voiceovers. I'm looking for faceless and voiceless niche ideas, really creative and unique ones. I have started 3 channels before, and haven't done too well. I used to do memes and that kind of stuff. I wanna try new niches that will go help me grow on youtube, perhaps just clips of the internet (daily dose of internet), or something like that. If you have any ideas or truly creative, unique and specific niches, please DM.
2 Replies
Afrodo9mo ago
You can do most niches faceless. I think the only one that you can't do for sure is make-up tutorials.
naisuu9mo ago
alr. wut are some ideas then for niches