Railway9mo ago

cannot find -lpq

I have a ruse app that uses diesel, rocket. Libpq-dev is neccesary. I dont have a dockerfile. I just do railway up and its failing. Anyway to add libpq without using dockerfile? I switched from k8 after frustation of rust cross compiling. I dont want to get into devops and use dockerfile or anything. Need to focus on code. Directions please? My project details : https://railway.app/project/98e76ea6-19e8-422c-813b-d262b3a47e33/service/feeb6fda-8c46-45b8-ada2-8afeea586819
3 Replies
Percy9mo ago
Project ID: 98e76ea6-19e8-422c-813b-d262b3a47e33,feeb6fda-8c46-45b8-ada2-8afeea586819
hitesh9mo ago
oh any my nixpakcs.toml is this
nixPkgs = ['libpqxx']
nixPkgs = ['libpqxx']