Brand spotlight: Engineered Garments - Topic of the day 9/29/23

Today's spotlight topic is all about the brand Engineered Garments. What do you think of this brand? Any particular pieces from them stand out to you? Is this brand overhyped? Is Daiki your father? Discuss anything and everything EG here.
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20 Replies
sinbad9mo ago
i have to say i dislike the crazy taper on a lot of their pants but I do love the super wide fit parachute-esque trousers I have from them and their outerwear is crazy
Elvander9mo ago
EG suits, Bedford/NB's and Carlyles are my absolute favourite thing to wear. Most second skin, feeling at my most me outfit. I want to snowball as many as I can in distinct fabrics till I drop.
mattw2829mo ago
If you don't like EG in the silliest fabrics you don't deserve EG in expensive JCrew fabrics. (Revert to more actual wool plz Daiki)
awburkey9mo ago
EG is such a cool brand but I only own a screen print tee from them that I got on sale years ago. If I saw more of the pieces in person I'd be able to decide if it's for me or not more easily but online it's tougher to take a bit of a gamble on whether I'll actually like the fit and fabric.
fauxhemian9mo ago
Buying EG is as close as it gets to having a crippling addiction for me. I hate it.
jimi9mo ago
I like my eg uniqlo fleece a lot ‼️
I just wish they had stuff for taller people. I love what they do but it doesn’t work for me
Affluence9mo ago
I find EG has a bit too high of a resale value for me to find in my price range, BUT I have snatched up two of their casual jackets and absoltuely love them
davis9mo ago
My patchwork Bedford was the first piece of clothing I actually spent money on and it has made me buy a few other bedfords
Affluence9mo ago
bedford really is a nice relaxed casual fit
Affluence9mo ago
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davis9mo ago
I moved so sadly don’t have any with me
davis9mo ago
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davis9mo ago
That’s close, it’s in ripstop which I think is super fun
Bigelow9mo ago
I feel this, my bedford is too short on me to wear as a traditional blazer but I think it can still work as a shorter jacket in some fits
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Yeah I’m cursed with a long torso so it hits around my hips. May need to try it again since I’ve found some higher rise pants.
Elvander9mo ago
Exactly why I love them, they fit my short doughy figure to a t. I don't need to get sleeves shortened or legs hemmed.
stmn9mo ago
I got a bedford recently and I actually didn't find it too bad for my 1.85m. Looking forward to wearing it more once fall really hits
Benji9mo ago
i want a bedford at some point. anyone have some favorite camp shirts from them? would love something in a subtle patchwork
fauxhemian9mo ago
from a couple of years ago, before i threw them out
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