brown/white uni strip OCBD

Hi all, looking for a brown/darkest orange uni stripe OCBD. Kamakura used to do one but I can't find it in stock anywhere ATM and it's not on their website anymore. Any leads? Budget: pretty flexible, but let's say up to $200. Happy to buy used. Location: UK
8 Replies
SquillyFerrell9mo ago
BB has some old stock in XS At least they have had for a while
mattw2829mo ago
I'll check measurements and stock over here. Ta.
Jake's London has tan/white and red/white but not brown/white to my knowledge. Might be worth an inquiry?
Bigelow9mo ago
Mercer has these, "crimson" and "charcoal" if they appeal to ya
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mattw2829mo ago
Charcoal looks like what I'm after. Best website. Will email and see.
awburkey9mo ago
Brycelands does one but I'm almost certain it's not <$200
I think shop Juniors does a brown uni.