Should I create a new TikTok account

Been tossing around the idea of starting a new account to reupload my content, Im gonna use this post as a final decision. My account now seems to be in some type of tiktok view jail where all my videos will cap around 250 within the first 10 minutes with up to 50 likes. My content on all my other platforms does pretty good. The only reason I assume this is because I've had the account for awhile and never really posted anything. In the end, just wondering if anyone knows if this will/won't work. Thank you in regards.
2 Replies
mercury!9mo ago
well the delima is - you can get stuck in a "hole" in the tiktok algo, but simply put if you produce the same type of content that got you into that hole then making a new tiktok isnt gonna fix your problem. Overall though if you have an older account, or you've stepped up your creation of content and the quality of it then most definitely make a new account.
Hercules9mo ago
Thank you