My reach on my account went from 250 to 300 accounts (200 non-followers) to 50 (17 non-followers)

Hi everyone! Recently i have gotten a very sour experience where my reach has dropped from one day to another by a ridiculous margin. as said in the title, i average around a reach of 250 to 350 accounts on average (with some peaks of course) but when i posted yesterday and today, my reach went all the way down to 50 and another one not even getting any reach outside of my followers. I find this to be extremely weird and im a bit at a loss. - i dont use third party apps - instagram gave me the all clear that i was doing nothing against ToS - i post fairly regularly and am very active on stories and other people's posts. - i dont use any overly viral hashtags but i do keep using the same ones for most of my posts (because they are from the same thing) I am basically at a loss for words because i was actually doing incredibly well until this happened. Did anyone else experience this? and if so, how did you get your reach back up again?
4 Replies
Coffee Cup Rc
Coffee Cup Rc8mo ago
If you have some quick tips it would be great, but its super inconsistent. After i deleted those posts, i waited a week and my next post got 1300 accounts reached. I did notice that if you instantly delete a post because of a mistake and post it again, you will not gain any reach through hashtags
Shurggle7mo ago
Oh this is super interesting Omg I hope you find out how to resolve that because that’s super irritating…
Coffee Cup Rc
Coffee Cup Rc7mo ago
Ah nice, it became even worse
Coffee Cup Rc
Coffee Cup Rc7mo ago
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