faulty watch pocket in 501

I think the watch pocket in my new Levi’s 501 is faulty. Would you return it? It’s annoying but I’m not sure I would even notice it.
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5 Replies
Sal8mo ago
what about it is faulty, just the angle?
ralph’s pencil cup
I would not notice
Woolf8mo ago
No because I don't use pocket watches and wouldn't with jeans. I would never have noticed unless I was looking for defects in my clothing.
Halo8mo ago
...That's what those are for? I thought they were change pockets my whole life 😭 (unless im misunderstanding)
sagesuede8mo ago
Just the angle, yes. It just annoys my OCD a bit 😂. That’s the original name although we all use it for change these days.