Railway•7mo ago

Overwriting files in volumes

What happens if I run railway up with files in a folder /foo on which a volume is mounted already? Does it add/overwrite the files to/in the volume?
13 Replies
Percy•7mo ago
Please provide your project ID or reply with N/A. Thread will automatically be closed if no reply is received within 10 minutes. You can copy your project's id by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + K -> Copy Project ID.
Brody•7mo ago
volume files overwrite files in the image
Percy•7mo ago
No project ID was provided. Closing thread.
GetPsyched•7mo ago
no don't close the thread bruh anyway by image you mean the new files coming from railway up? also, what if there are no existing files in the volume
Brody•7mo ago
haha this isn't your first rodeo, why ignore Percy 🤣 by image I mean image, the container image then there will be no files at the mount point
GetPsyched•7mo ago
I totally forgot the N/A part lol I see. So, is there an alternative for my use case? I have secrets in a file that I need to push to Railway They need to be in files as that's what Google Drive's API requires or perhaps there's a method that doesn't require them from a file 🤔
Brody•7mo ago
upload the files to the volume, you would never ever want to put the Google credential file in your github
GetPsyched•7mo ago
because I have code like: creds = Credentials.from_authorized_user_file("db/token.json", SCOPES) how do I upload to the volume? I don't see any GUI
Brody•7mo ago
all file access on the volume has to be done through the service it's attached to
GetPsyched•7mo ago
yeah so, how do I get my service to generate secrets lol I can't fetch secrets from any API
Brody•7mo ago
sorry I'm not too sure if that's a railway related question
GetPsyched•7mo ago
it was a rhetoric question I mean to say that I can't upload secrets into the volume through my service
Brody•7mo ago