Custom build command for rust

I'm trying to build a leptos based project and when I try to change the Custom Build Command , after I click the V sign it just clears my input.
6 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: 3fdaec5b-4faa-4a58-aeb0-9c1e92376448
&mut self
&mut self7mo ago
Fragly7mo ago
Yea this has been an issue for a bit now, not sure when they're gonna fix it
&mut self
&mut self7mo ago
Wow, this is basic. I think I'll need to do some very stupid workaround to make yarn run cargo. What a shame.
Fragly7mo ago
just to clarify, "for a bit" refers to like 2 days, it probably won't take long to fix just don't know when
Brody7mo ago
you can set your start command with a railway.json in the mean time