Railway7mo ago

How does a 'self hosted server' actually integrate with railway?

The documentation for a "Self Hosted Server" seems to be pretty sparse: https://docs.railway.app/deploy/integrations#self-hosted-server I am looking for a way to be able to deploy my application on my own VPS but still link it to railway and make use of railway features such as easily being able to monitor logs and stop and start the project etc. Is functionality something that is offered by railway?| I have installed the railway cli and logged into it. Then, I've linked the self hosted project with an empty service project in railway. I have then run the railway run command followed by the start command for my application and my application launched fine, but on the railway web app there doesn't seem to be any logs being sent across or any sign that the self-hosted application is linked.
Railway Docs
Integrations | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
in the mean time, to clear things up: - railway does not currently support running railway on your own servers aka railway on premises, when they do, it would very likely be limited to enterprise users. - railway run runs the given command locally with the service variables temporarily available, this is used for local development purposes, it replaces the need for an .env file in most cases as well....
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6 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: e4949be4-03c7-44a7-a413-32ffc2e9c2f7
nova7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
wow that's horribly misleading @Melissa - misleading documentation
Brody7mo ago
in the mean time, to clear things up: - railway does not currently support running railway on your own servers aka railway on premises, when they do, it would very likely be limited to enterprise users. - railway run runs the given command locally with the service variables temporarily available, this is used for local development purposes, it replaces the need for an .env file in most cases as well.
nova7mo ago
so from my understanding railway run would be to test that the build/installation and start commands are running fine in a local environment before pushing? If that's the case, what's that got to do with AWS, GCP and Digital Ocean (as per the docs).
Brody7mo ago
correct, I genuinely don't know why AWS, GCP, or DO where mentioned, my only guess would be maybe the user could be doing development work on one of those said platforms