Inquiry Regarding Slow Website Performance

Hello! I have a curiosity about my website. After x amount of time, it loads and behaves very slowly. I am getting this code in the console. Project ID: 4a09cf4b-0845-4354-9484-08bd863b42c8
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4 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: 4a09cf4b-0845-4354-9484-08bd863b42c8
Project ID: 4a09cf4b-0845-4354-9484-08bd863b42c8
Brody7mo ago
that means a single request took longer than the timeout value, gunicorn has 30s by default, but without any telemetry or logging data there's not all that much we can help you with
bfortuna.dev7mo ago
Where could I get the necessary data that you need in order to help me?
Brody7mo ago
you would need to add telemetry and logging manually