Railwayβ€’6mo ago
Richy Recarey

Domain registrars that support CNAME records for railway public?

Hi! Is someone using a registrar that supports CNAME records that allows you to easily configure a domain for an app? I started using Ionos and I'm having trouble configuring it (I dont wanna have another dependenci with cloudflare). Any recomendations? Thank you so much
10 Replies
Fraglyβ€’6mo ago
Use a cloudflare, #1 choice
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
you don't need to transfer the domain, you only need to use their nameservers
Richy Recarey
Richy Recareyβ€’6mo ago
Railway Docs
Public Networking | Railway Docs
Documentation for Railway
Richy Recarey
Richy Recareyβ€’6mo ago
As a register, right? I just saw they dont support ".es" domains yet 😦
Fraglyβ€’6mo ago
is .es a handshake domain? if so then railway doesn't support it either
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
Richy Recarey
Richy Recareyβ€’6mo ago
Mmmm I'm not sure. Kind of a newbie in terms of networking. But for what I'm reading, I think not. .es is just the national extension for Spanish domains.
Fraglyβ€’6mo ago
yea just confirmed, not a handshake domain but yea cloudflare doesn't seem to support them as you said list of supported domain extensions: https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/tld-policies/ otherwise you could try to move it over to namecheap namecheap supports CNAME on root
Richy Recarey
Richy Recareyβ€’6mo ago
Awesome. Thank you so much for all the info.
Fraglyβ€’6mo ago
Happy to help πŸ™‚