Railway6mo ago

Unable to reach mysql db ith StepZen

Hello everyone, i'm following all the step correctly from this tutorials "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A6QikmZqWQ&t=2192s" to connect StepZen and Railway mysql db but it seems that Railway block something from StepZen.When I'm doing "stepzen sql import" with the correct env variables it return "Creating a GraphQL schema (this is taking longer than usual)... fail » Error: An unexpected problem occurred while processing your command.". I'm following the tutorial and a video tutorials but with Railway it seems that the db is not reachable. Thank you for your help ! I can reach the railway db with my Laravel project and play with the data but with StepZen it cannot generate the GraphQL schema with this database from Railway.app
StepZen, an IBM Company
StepZen and Railway -- Connecting a Deployed MySQL Database to a Gr...
We'll be: - discussing Railway, a pre-built infrastructure for your apps - using Railway to easily connect to our MySQL database and then we'll seed it from the command line - once we've got our database up and running, we'll use StepZen to introspect our GraphQL schema and import it - lastly, we'll deploy our GraphQL schema to a StepZen API end...
2 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: cd8639b2-9840-4992-8b16-994242654c4d
Mathisa6mo ago