Railway5mo ago

no connection tab in railway

i keep seeing in the tutrials when they create a database they have the connection tab avilable for them https://dev.to/nextdev/how-to-connect-railway-app-with-nextjs-using-prisma-1eo8 but i dont have it is railway updated or i got a problem ?
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How to connect railway. app with nextjs using Prisma.
Welcome 👋 friends to this new blog post where I will teach you how to connect railway and nextjs with...
yea that is outdated, Railway recently changed how their databases works You can still find the connection string in the "variables" tab as a service variable optimally what you want to do is make a variable refernece to the variable storing the connection string in whichever project needs to use them ...
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2 Replies
Fragly5mo ago
yea that is outdated, Railway recently changed how their databases works You can still find the connection string in the "variables" tab as a service variable optimally what you want to do is make a variable refernece to the variable storing the connection string in whichever project needs to use them you can do this via the ${{VARIABLE_NAME}} format, read more here: https://docs.railway.app/guides/variables#reference-variables
Fragly5mo ago
Oh also, using the private connection url is prefered it lets you communicate with the database over the private network which doesn't count towards egress