Railway5mo ago

My project is not loading anymore on Railway dashboard

I was tweaking the start command of one my service and suddenly the project dashboard started to crash. Project: 64ff2818-2045-4c7d-8806-9a9a560f41f4 When opening the dev tools, in the network tab I see a POST request to https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/internal?q=environmentConfig which returns an error:
More than one staged patch found
More than one staged patch found
Thanks for your help!
7 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: 64ff2818-2045-4c7d-8806-9a9a560f41f4
Duchess5mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Brody.
Pirhoo5mo ago
Looks like it's the same issue than @leonardstruck : https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1185236232465301605
Brody5mo ago
ive reported this directly to the team again, and they are going to look into it
Pirhoo5mo ago
It just magically unlocked itself! Dunno if they did something anyway, thanks!
Brody5mo ago
they did, and they will fix the root cause
Pirhoo5mo ago
Cool, thanks
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