wrangler or C3

I want to start my first Pages project. The guide here:; https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/get-started/guide/ says "There are three ways to set up a Pages project: Connecting your Git provider to Pages. Deploying your prebuilt assets right to Pages with Direct Upload. Using Wrangler from the command line." but then in the content of that page, it lists: - Guide - C3 - DirectUpload and no mention of wrangler. Question: - Can I use wrangler and ignore the C3 docs - Are there any docs on using wrangler for Pages projects (I will search)
Get started guide · Cloudflare Pages docs
In this guide, you will get started with Cloudflare Pages, and deploy your first website to the Pages platform.
4 Replies
Vero5mo ago
Hi, yes, you can also use Wrangler, which is also a way to do Direct Upload. Here are the docs: https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/get-started/direct-upload/#wrangler-cli
Direct Upload · Cloudflare Pages docs
Direct Upload enables you to upload your prebuilt assets to Pages and deploy them to the Cloudflare global network. This guide will instruct you how …
mackenzie5mo ago
Thanks. I’ve now got my first pages project running, and with a simple JS function. Now I need to learn: - how to generate html in my function, to incorporate output in a page - is it possible to write functions in rust (to wasm) using workers-rs?
Vero5mo ago
- how to generate html in my function, to incorporate output in a page Hmm I'm not really sure if I understood the ask but we aren't a framework, we're a host. So you could use a framework to SSR - is it possible to write functions in rust (to wasm) using workers-rs? Yes, see blog: https://blog.cloudflare.com/pages-functions-with-webassembly
The Cloudflare Blog
Use the language of your choice with Pages Functions via WebAssembly
Today Pages is excited to offer support for WebAssembly when writing a Pages Function.
mackenzie5mo ago
I've understood it more following the tutorial.... I have some api functions now (that query KV etc) and return json, so now I need to build a site/app that uses them in some framework....
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