Railway5mo ago

Copy database from production to PR environments?

Poking around Railway a lot today and seeing how it could definitely be my new place to deploy apps. One thing I was very excited about was the abiity to create an environment for each PR. However, my services are failing being deployed because the data I'm relying on doesn't exist. Is this a feature that's coming, or how are people automating this? I suppose I could look for an environment variable and bootstrap my data on server boot, but that seems a bit heavy handed.
7 Replies
Percy5mo ago
Project ID: N/A
faces5mo ago
Brody5mo ago
railway doesn’t provide a way to do this natively, you would have to seed the database for the pr environments
faces5mo ago
That's unfortunate. I'm also searching how to upgrade from Hobby to Pro, as I've reached the limit of my database volume size. I'm trying to do that from the interface but there is no clear path to doing so. Help?
Brody5mo ago
I guess you could say railway isn't trying to shove an upgrade in your face haha https://railway.app/account/plans
faces5mo ago
Got it, thank you. I figured out I had to create a team, upgrade that, then move the project over
Brody5mo ago
I'm pretty sure the team is looking to improve that flow, how would you have liked the upgrade to pro experience to have went?