Failed: build exceeded memory limit and was terminated

how ti fix this , i am using next js
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5 Replies
Vero5mo ago
Hi. We recently upgraded our infrastructure which gives builds significantly increased disk IO. It looks like a small number of projects are consuming more memory as a result. Here are some things that may help: Reduce concurrency settings in your build (if applicable.) Eg. next.js defaults to 7 threads that can be overridden by specifying experimental.cpus: 4. Reduce Node memory by specifying an environment variable: NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=3072 (if you’re setting this elsewhere already, then change it there instead).
samerkhusein5mo ago
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samerkhusein5mo ago
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samerkhusein5mo ago
i have this error
Vero5mo ago
then probably you can't reduce the memory too much, because it's running out of memory
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