VPN Status
Hi, is there a way to show what is my current VPN status in homarr? I would like to see what is the current external IP and country I'm connected to if possible. I'm using OpenVPN in my host machine.
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I was able to change the colors to match homarr's color theme using this specific src:
you can change the colors and width to match your system
(the infos shown here are through a vpn and it matches my vpn's address)...
26 Replies
You could integrate an iframe to a website with an ip checker
Hi Tag, I've tried that but it reports the external IP of the machine I'm using to browse Homarr, not the host running the container.
I added an iframe pointing to
Maybe I should clarify my setup. I have a mini pc running multiple docker containers: homarr, jellyfin, qbittorrent, ... this mini pc uses OpenVPN. I connect to this mini pc from my desktop in another room through the browser and SSH. I can see that the VPN is running if I SSH and run curl ifconfig.me
, but I'm looking for something more convenient so I don't have to SSH every time.Make script to run the commands and output to a web page. Add page to homarr.
That's interesting, normally iframes should connect to your browser directly, not through the server.
I'll try it on my end and get back to you :)
Do you have some link/tutorial that explains how to do that sort of setup?
SomeCommand > SomeFile.txt
Make a cronjob to repeat the command. Option 1 : put text file into website. Option 2 : print txt file into image with imagemagick
Make a cronjob to repeat the command. Option 1 : put text file into website. Option 2 : print txt file into image with imagemagick
Hi, I've checked and I can confirm that the IP you see is the ip from your browser and not the server.
I suggest you use the following iframe: https://geo.myip.ms/?icon=small
It is very nice, shows even the city you are in.
You may find different stlyes here :
including a dark mode iframe which is nice
Geo IP Adress Information Box for Your Site - User Location, Countr...
Add free ip address box on your website - show details on user ip address, geo ip, country, city, browser, os. Display it on interactive map. Absolutely Free
I was able to change the colors to match homarr's color theme using this specific src:
you can change the colors and width to match your system
(the infos shown here are through a vpn and it matches my vpn's address)
Thanks a lot for the help! I managed to get it working 🙂
@Enric Did you manage to get this to show the VPN IP/country vs. the IP of the local machine you were accessing Homarr on? I am trying to do the same thing one widget showing my actual IP and one showing the VPN IP. I can't figure out how to have the iFrame show the VPN container IP (docker on a Synology).
Hi! I used both advices. In one hand I used Tag's trick to see my PC's location with geo.myip.ms. And FatBiscuits tip to get the VPN IP by running a script into a web page. This one is quite a bit more involved if you are not used to that sort of set up (like me). ChatGPT gave me some tips on how to set it up, this link was also useful: https://medium.com/swlh/mini-project-deploying-python-application-with-nginx-30f9b25b195
I set up Nginx that serves a web page that executes a script to check the IP. I'm sure there must be a simpler way, but I'm a newbie 😅
Mini-Project: Deploying Python Application With Nginx
Deploying a clean and simple “Hello World” Python application with Nginx.
That's awesome. You could also alert on that page being unavailable with some other tool, if that is a thing you care about.
For me this just shows "page couldn't be reached, try again"
Then it means that the page is blocked somehow.
From what I see, the page is up and running and it's not part of any blocklist for dns-holes so I'm not sure why it would be.
But i can surf the site normally
Although i will double check with pihole
That's even weirder, can you access the link directly? Not in the iframe
Yes i can
Before that i tried with ipify.org, but couldn't manage to make it work.
It just shows a blank white panel.
That's weird, but I don't really know how to help you there.
Yeah, The point of the one I linked is that it displays a bit more info like the country and a bit more nicely presented. If that works for you then it's great
https://geo.myip.ms/?colorBG=25262B&colorBorder=25262B&colorText=999999&colorLink=EEEEEE&width=452 ---- this works too now, but it doesnt show ipv6 properly
Well, yeah, IPv6 isn't forced onto everyone yet so it's kinda hard to get it for now
Do you mind showing what the end result looks like? Obviously obfuscating any personal info
I too am looking for a VPN status indicator, but I only need tile for it that will constantly ping.
The problem I'm running into is the VPN server is just an IP address, so while it is pingable, it's not an actual hosted URL so there's no URL to input into a tile for it to ping.
I tried iFraming DNSChecker.org as a clunky workaround, but that site won't load via iFrame
@Tag Is what I'm attempting possible?
Sure, here is a screenshot.
The top iFrame points to the server I set up. In there I use ipgeolocation.io to have more info on the IP the VPN is connected to. The Flask script I'm using is something like this:
The other iFrame points to Myip.ms
Great! Thanks for the info