Are these amazing or awful?
I’ve wanted to get these hats for ages but couldn’t tell if I should get them. Are they good? Or should I only choose one?
12 Replies
There’s also this
They're a little gimmicky
I like the first one but I dunno
I'd rather wear the local MiLB team hat
I like them
I do think they’re gimmicky but idk they’re kinda fun and not in your face gimmicky
I like both
Don’t like cap
What’s MiLB?
Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Subtly Gimmicky, with a dash of odd humour
As a software engineer, I feel compelled to express my appreciation for recursion. The small cap needs another cap on it, though
Dad Brand Apparel
Hat Hat Hat
Two-tone Tan/Blue 6-Panel Dad Hat Hat Hat • 100% Cotton • Adjustable strap • Embroidered hat on a hat on a hat emblem • Ships worldwide
This is much better
It's not too much?
Only you can decide that.
Personally, I prefer it, but for very nerdy reasons.
I mean, if you've decided to wear a hat with a hat on it, why stop there?
Minor league baseball
ohh, I'm not American so idk much about baseball
the cap hat would go well with the blue shirt in your pfp hehe