Railway4mo ago

Reverse SSH Tunneling Server on Railway? New to Railway

Hi I'm new to Railway and I was wondering if it is possible (or allowed) to run a NGINX server or equivalent and have it be a point where I can do reverse SSH tunneling. I have several machines in different networks that can't be port forwarded and have been relying on an EC2 instance on Google Cloud to facilitate a connection between them through a proxy. Like I said I'm not familiar with Railway, a project I'm helping to build is using it so I figure I can ask and see if this is a more affordable option for me than Google Cloud.
7 Replies
Percy4mo ago
Project ID: N/A
ybabts4mo ago
oh nvm I don't have a project, I didn't know what that tag meant is this allowed on Railway, and if so are there any templates for it or should I just go ahead and make a docker container
Brody4mo ago
what does nginx have to do with ssh?
ybabts4mo ago
you can set up a reverse ssh proxy service with NGNIX, that's how I have it set up on a Google cloud EC2 instance
Brody4mo ago
this doesnt sound like a job for railway unless you like paying for network egress
ybabts4mo ago
well I mean it would be the same amount of ingress/egress regardless if I use it as a proxy vs hosting it on Railway right? well I guess no now that I think about it so what you're saying is that it's not a viable use case for Railway?
Brody4mo ago
i dont think so, no