sport coat

Hi, currently at a thrift store, yay or nay for this sport coat ? In concerned about the shoulders
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5 Replies
Guatemalean Toupee
Hmm probably nay, looks too short
jfarrell4684mo ago
Looks too small for you overall. Length too short, sleeves a bit short. Doesn't look like it hangs right, and might be too small in the chest/waist, but can't tell because you are holding arm out to take picture. Also 3 buttons. Actually looks ok in the shoulders. Does it feel tight? Nice color and pattern, though
I wonder if the two shirts aren’t helping But yeah don’t really love the three button of it all
jfarrell4684mo ago
Yeah, take off the rugby, button the middle button, and you'll get a better idea how it fits.
leroideskiki4mo ago
Thank you guys , I don’t take it