what are some high quality long lasting essential garments?

currently rebuilding my entire wardrobe. Spent a lot of money getting new basic tee’s & a pair of jeans. Honestly in love with the quality difference. I’m looking for more essential pieces, specifically pants & shoes. I want to get the best possible essentials made with the highest quality materials that I can still rock and wear once I’m an 80 yr old grandpa. Budget is basically non existent, but nothing more than $600 pls lol. (Do I really like the quality or am I just addicted to spending money? Probably the ladder lmao)
72 Replies
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
Need to know what you actually want to dress like before we can help, the idea of essentials is something of a flawed concept It’s tempting to get really nice stuff you can theoretically wear forever but if you don’t like it in 2-12 months it doesn’t matter that it will last forever
spiderman4mo ago
I’m a big fan of workwear & academia/prep if that helps thank u about the insight of essentials is a flawed concept What makes the concept essentials flawed in ur opinion? @bishopcorrigan
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
Essentials aren’t universal
spiderman4mo ago
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
So you can’t ask it in a vacuum
spiderman4mo ago
I see i see what I consider essential someone else won’t
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
There are things that may be “essential” for ivy style or for workwear or whatever but they won’t be the same
sharloy4mo ago
But if you want to narrow down something like “I want black workwear pants” we can help you
spiderman4mo ago
Got it got it so I gotta be more specific
sharloy4mo ago
Kinda like how you can’t go to a restaurant and just order a sandwich but you have to specify a BLT or grilled cheese Ya what’s essential to your wardrobe I guess, a basic item that would be cohesive to what you want (which we don’t know yet until you give us some inspiration or previous photos maybe)
spiderman4mo ago
I see I see Thank u guys for the insight
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
Fashion is a real strong case for picture is worth 1000 words
mikew4mo ago
maybe even some brands / stores that you currently like would be helpful or yeah a couple images of things you are thinking about, when building out your new wardrobe
spiderman4mo ago
I just bought Whitesville t shirts and picked up a pair of Japanese denim. I really like how it looks despite it looking basic but also how it feels on me I also really like the brand Bronson but I’m wary of a lot of their pieces since it’s all repros but idk where to find authentic pieces
mikew4mo ago
"basic" isnt necessarily bad. maybe you mean "minimal" or non-flashy, which i think are nice qualities to strive for, and honestly, sometimes harder to achieve
spiderman4mo ago
got it got it yeah For the most part I like being non-flashy with the basic pieces (pants & shirts)
mikew4mo ago
i like Lady White Co. for things like tshirts, crew necks, sweaters
spiderman4mo ago
I think jackets and such can be replaceable and i can experiment with them Shoes I’m having a very difficult time with tbh Never been a huge shoe guy I only wear one pair for years
mikew4mo ago
yeah shoes are kind of hard for me too. what do you like wearing? or what are you looking for? loafers, boots, sneakers?
spiderman4mo ago
Sneakers that won’t get destroyed in like 4 months of use 💀💀💀 These reeboks are my dailies atm, I got them in November and the heels are already starting to peel a bit
spiderman4mo ago
No description
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
Look through #waywt-highlights and #waywt and pay attention to footwear on the outfits you like
spiderman4mo ago
I’m thinking of German army trainers but I’m wary since I have an issue with the heels getting absolutely destroyed
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
Dead stock gats are pretty cheap
mikew4mo ago
nice yeah those look pretty good with a lot of outfits. just dont waste a bunch of money on the margiela ones, if youre a little rougher on shoes 😂
spiderman4mo ago
I have a bad habit of thinking more money = better quality and I was debating heavily whether or not the Margiela ones would last longer Thank you for letting me know they won’t last LMFAOOO saved me $500
mikew4mo ago
i highly doubt it but i will say, ive never owned the margiela ones so i cant actually confirm
spiderman4mo ago
I kinda understand the issue with my shoes is that I don’t rotate enough bc I don’t have a lot of shoes Converse are painful bc I love them so much but they never last I’ve never had a pair of converse last more than 8 months 😭😭😭
mikew4mo ago
i think this is true in some cases, but you need to be smart about whether youre paying more for the quality / material / craftsmanship or youre just paying more for the brand. MM has some really nice stuff, but in the case of their GATs, i feel like its more of the latter
spiderman4mo ago
Got it! Thank you Where can I source authentic ones? I keep seeing drop shipped GATs and I’m super wary about the quality of them Same goes for a belt, I’m trying to get a really high quality basic belt that won’t break but a lot of things on Etsy is drop shipped Ali express stuff
mikew4mo ago
yeah not sure, look into the ones @bishopcorrigan recommended? or Adidas BW Army if you can find them. Hartcopy just did a small release of their new GAT - suppose to restock soon
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
other people on here have bought legit deadstock, I haven't personally, maybe make a new thread for it theyre called bundeswher or something in german
awburkey4mo ago
I think there's still an eBay seller you can buy from and maybe someone on styleforum but I haven't looked in years
spiderman4mo ago
Thank you guys! I’ll try not to stray too off topic in this thread but it’s been super insightful and informative
bishopcorrigan4mo ago
don't worry about staying on topic, this is your thread, just that people might not dive in to help with GATs because they won't know you're asking about it in here
Bigelow4mo ago
OutdoorsEE - Etsy
Shop items by OutdoorsEE located in Estonia. Smooth shipping! Has a history of shipping on time with tracking..
Bigelow4mo ago
this dude sells milsurp ones
spiderman4mo ago
thank u sir 🙏🙏🙏 will GATs last a long time?
Bigelow4mo ago
they're probably pretty typical for a sneaker, I wouldn't expect them to last forever but probably decently long enough if you rotate them
spiderman4mo ago
Got ittt tytyyyy Ill def add these to my list
zeometer4mo ago
imo sometimes quality does cost more but also no one said you had to pay retail price. if you're set on a particular item check ebay or other resellers (poshmark, depop, grailed, therealreal, etc) who may have what you need at far less cost
zeometer4mo ago
if you live near a goodwill or other physical store that may also help thought this get into more detail https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/beginners-guide-to-buying-expensive
Beginner's Guide to Buying Expensive Clothes for Less
Did you just stumble upon MFA and find yourself appalled by the prices of some of the shit you saw in WAYWT? Are you looking to try some higher end clothing but put off by the prices? Did you fall in love with something in WAYWT and then find out it costs more than your rent? Then this guide is for you.
spiderman4mo ago
yup!!! Kind of what I’m doing atm. The shirts i got are $95 a pack here but $45 in japan so i had them shipped over from there so i saved quite a bit of money
Spuck4mo ago
If you want footwear that lasts longer, start looking into boots. Most trainers arent really built to last years of use.
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
You can get deadstock GATs from ebay for about 100 usd or so, and they're incredibly versatile to pair with
spiderman4mo ago
should I drop $30ish on this jacket lmao
No description
spiderman4mo ago
I will def cop these eventually
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
Have you thought about what kind of aesthetic you wanna head towards
spiderman4mo ago
primarily Japanese americana & workwear, but also want to do some academia & Japanese ivy for sure My old wardrobe was baggy pants & graphic tee’s & im trying to move away from all that
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
For Japanese workwear/americana you can consider getting chinos from buzz rickson, t-shirts from Whitesville and denim from Sugar cane/full count I'm not too sure about Ivy however
spiderman4mo ago
thank you so much!!! I definetly do need a pair of chinos Most of my haul was primarily Whitesville tees LOL and yeah, I’m also struggling finding pieces for ivy at the moment looked into beams since I heard they have pieces inspired by ivy but didn’t find anything that caught my eye
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
I personally would avoid the heather grey cuz it doesn't last as long as the other colours
spiderman4mo ago
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
But the grey is also the nicest and slubbiest
spiderman4mo ago
I got 2 white packs and one of everything else
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
That's good enough Actually too many IMO
spiderman4mo ago
I got excited when I realized I’d be spending half off on the shirts tbh
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
I'd suggest that you get a few t-shirts from the flat head as well
spiderman4mo ago
Flat head?
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
Those things will last you forever Yep
spiderman4mo ago
Looking into them rn Did you mean the flannels or do they have basic tees?
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
These basic tees
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
3本針の1本外し 伸びにくいネック 度詰生地 Tシャツ 無地 FN-THC-001 | THE FLAT HEAD | THE FLA...
spiderman4mo ago
It’s hard for me to find in depth reviews about Whitesville tee’s online, do they last long? interesting hmmm I’m planning on doing another buyee haul soon so I’ll probably snag a shirt from the flat head if I find it there
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
It really depends on how and how often you wash em, but they've lasted for at least a year so far
spiderman4mo ago
wearing them everyday tbh just switching between the 12 shirts
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
I think I've had about 20-30 washes on these so far I think And they're still okay
spiderman4mo ago
I’m looking at a review vid for this atm the inside stitching is insane
saltyrabbit3144mo ago
There's a review vid of em?
spiderman4mo ago
I’m at work rn but I’ll try to find it later