•Created by zeometer on 1/24/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Boot sock recommendations
The piles of slush and ice have done a number on my one pair of long socks - any recommendations for boot socks?
Ideally wanted wool or something similarly warm for now, but will gladly take recommendations for warmer weather. Vibrant solid colors are a plus but not necessary. I'm mainly just looking for brands, but I'll say $30 USD/pair as a target budget.
14 replies
•Created by zeometer on 1/9/2025 in #questions-and-advice
Salomon XT-6 Sneaker with Trad or Ivy Style Fits?

23 replies
•Created by zeometer on 12/6/2024 in #questions-and-advice
(xpost from waywt) Reversible harrington styling

3 replies
•Created by zeometer on 11/14/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Yale's 20-Item Dress Study Style Guide

1 replies
•Created by zeometer on 11/6/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Alternatives to ERL Tailored Lamé Pants

14 replies
•Created by zeometer on 10/28/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Shirt-Pant-Shoe Interactiom

25 replies
•Created by zeometer on 10/25/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Long-form Fashion Content
In the pursuit of knowledge and its potential application to my own style, do you have any long form fashion content recommendations?
- all formats good (visual essay, podcast, article)
- topics of interest: fashion history, base discussion of technique, commentary on contemporary fashion/designers (regardless of aesthetic)
- would avoid "how to dress" or similar content unless it's in service of the above (and/or are funny)
- open to mens- and womenswear but would like to avoid purely womenswear centered content
- doesn't have to be purely fashion content but it would help (especially if in podcast form)
- open to full books that aren't just advertising for a brand but it's a lower priority as my backlog is already an issue lol
Stuff I already subscribe to/like: Articles of Interest, Pair of Kings, Apocalypse Duds, Backseat Driver, Trees & Nylon, Style & Direction/A Little Bit of Rest, OCBD blog, Esque
Stuff I am already aware of: Blammo, Canoe Club blog/podcast, Ivy Style, StyleZeitgeist, Throwing Fits, Fashion Elitist, Ivy-Style.com, BBSP, Bl*ss Foster (the content is great but he is garbage)
Books Already Read: Ametora, Status & Culture, Take Ivy, Black Ivy
16 replies
•Created by zeometer on 10/25/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Ars Technica - The World's Oldest Pants
2 replies
•Created by zeometer on 9/24/2024 in #fashion-discussion
What was I on in Summer 2024? A Style Retrospective
(adapted from ehf).
This summer was a weird one in terms of clothes, especially post-fit battle. While there was a #topic-of-the-day about looking back on ones fits, I had (many) more thoughts that I felt were better served in their own thread. My intentions are mostly selfish, to have a reference of how I felt now that I have some distance and some lessons learned, but I figured I'd put it here in case you're like me and have difficulties with introspection or benefit from some structure in reflecting on these things.
The fits: https://imgur.com/a/summer-2024-fits-part-1-rtRWJOm https://imgur.com/a/summer-2024-fits-part-2-AllRklJ
Earmarked inspo from https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1237796156126265496: https://imgur.com/a/summer-2024-inspiration-MytHOcL
15 replies
•Created by zeometer on 4/14/2024 in #fashion-discussion
The Role of Tailoring in Achieving 'Effective' Fit
At one point this thread https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1228819227658424372 in questions and advice strayed a little off-topic and @toasterhacker9001 said (references to specific points from original thread omitted for length):
I think this is probably a better space to have this larger discussion aa there are rwo major questions - 1) how necessary is tailoring to achieve a fit or clothing acceptable for the workplace, especially if you're not the 'traditional' build (for purposes of this argument, average height and proportion) and 2) are there appropriate fits that don't require tailoring, or which are different from the "traditional" silhouette expressed above?
73 replies
•Created by zeometer on 3/29/2024 in #fashion-discussion
Zeo's Spring 2024 Fit Battle Journal (Completed)
In this post https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1222213477314334741 one of the common motifs expressed was appreciation for people expressing their inspiration or thought process behind their fits or style. Given the time spent preparing for the fit battle I figured it was a good opportunity to actually articulate how I approached this situation/fits in general.
Note this is/was not an attempt to sway votes or intended to curry favor; feel free to give feedback if desired.
Final Album of Submissions: https://imgur.com/a/DSZ1KqT.
For further context on each fit, keep reading.
40 replies
•Created by zeometer on 1/28/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Removing shoulder pads or size down?

5 replies