
How often do you invoice? Any suggested services? Can you setup an equivalent to direct deposit?
6 Replies
national-gold4mo ago
For my business, I use It's been great! I love the invoices it creates. I just download as PDF, send through email, mark as sent, and when I'm paid (not directly but I think you might be able to set up DD unless it's a premium feature) I mark as I have received the money. You can also set reminders where if you haven't marked as complete within x amount of days, A reminder to pay the invoice will be sent. I just use the free portions, but I wouldn't mind paying.
Wave: Small Business Software - Wave Financial
Create beautiful invoices, accept online payments, and make accounting easy—all in one place—with Wave’s suite of money management tools.
SpongeBoyMeBob4mo ago
I followed @R. L. Stine advice from a long time ago and they are right about wave - give it a try
vicious-gold4mo ago
Awesome, thanks!
killspid4mo ago
I use wave as well as their online payments. Works great and is simple to use. I've recently just activated the online payments but had other ways of payments like checks and DD. Fees are tax deductible and wave software makes it easy when it comes around to that time.
kuth4mo ago
I use FreshBooks. Invoice monthly.
If you're not afraid to self-host, invoice nina is pretty awesome
Free Invoicing Software for Small Businesses | Invoice Ninja
Invoice Ninja - Create. Send. Get Paid.
Invoice Ninja was built to serve freelancers and business owners with a complete suite of invoicing & payment tools to advance your business.
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