any idea on how to fix ghost blocks?
basically around me are ghostly blocks that make everything around me invisible

81 Replies
Change overdraw prevention to 0.6
Iirc it's in advanced options -> graphics -> advanced graphics
still occurs, want me to send another screenshot?
if i walk ontop of it, the ones behind me change instead

What's your vanilla render distance?
Overdraw gets pretty nasty on Forge with really low vanilla distances. Can you try 4 vanilla?
If it doesn't fix the issue, try adjusting overdraw prevention up and down seeing what works best
the more i increase it, the further away it gets
should i just increase it a good bit?
Maybe try setting to 0
If the gap disappears, increase by 0.1 until the gap appears again
now it seems to occur both far away and up close?

I've got a feeling it's caused by the currently broken cave culling. If you stand in a flat plains biome does this still happen?
trying to move over to a flat area but my memory got eaten up, is this normal? i usually use 8gb but now had to go up to 25gb with dh lol
depends on your LOD radius
shouldn't go above 8gb allocated unless you're doing above 512 LODs ish
fyi it's fine for minecraft to reach 100% memory usage as long as it quickly drops back down to a more reasonable amount like 70% right after
i think i put it at 300 or 400
that doesnt seem to be the case, it just fills up and stays at max causing the game to constantly freeze
Are you running lots of other mods which might be eating memory?
i had a good amount of mods, but they usually ate around 6gb of memory by themselves
Try allocating 12gb
ive allocted 25 currently
Bigger allocations means bigger GC spikes
hmmm ill try 12 then
immediately froze lol
can you try with just DH and nothing else
sounds like conflicting mods
hmmm only mods i saw on the list that were issues with was supplementaries, but ill try
idk if its important, but this also comes up in the chat

dang the ss didnt work, it basically says "batching world generator, timed out and terminated" with some numbers inbetween
timing out means your cpu is under too much load
should i maybe not have it on aggresive in settings?
if your framerate is uncapped you should either turn on vsync or set the max fps to what your monitor can output
otherwise lower the cpu load preset
aggressive currently is best fitted for 12+ core cpus i think
is there a way to check how many cores i got?
check your cpu in the performance tab of task manager. it'll say the core count near the bottom
8 cores
would balanced work?
if it still gives errors, lower the preset to low impact
what should i choose the quality to be?
i use medium personally
higher quality preset = more demand on the gpu
hmmm i have a 3070, i guess medium?
try high
my 3050 mobile manages 200fps at 256 medium 1600x900
you might need to test both medium and high to see what works best in your specific case. depends on resolution and what framerate you want
im using the standard resolution, and im mainly just hoping for stable frames above or around 40 lol
what should i put the lod render distance radius to?
currently on 200
in that case 256 at high quality 1080p should get you way past that 40 mark
that's with shaders btw :joewait:
yeah im currently using comp. sory if im taking some time, have to shower and other stuff while coming and going to my pc 😅
yeah the cave thing seems to be gone, and its running at a stable 60fps thanks to your knowledge. but the "ghost blocks" issue is still there sadly

I've got a gut feeling it's a simple issue but I'm too tired to make the connection lol
yeah fair, its like 2 here for me as well
Does this still happen if you disable shaders?
hmmm let me check

I'll get back to this tmr if the issue remains unresolved
If I forget, just ping me next time I'm online
I've got a habit of forgetting :clueless:
thank you🫡 ill probably sleep soon as well, so unless the problem magically fixes itself ill probably ping you when i have the time to focus on this hahahaha
Sounds good
im free now
also got this? message more recently now

did you get the shader from here?
i got the original issue when i turn off the shader. and its the latest EA one from complementary
some shaders might have not implementing the DH support in other dimensions
think it worked for me here

The warning is per dimension for some odd reason
yeah i havent gotten it before today, and i only got it if i logged out and in again while being in the nether. it doesnt pop up when using portals
but yeah it only really confused me since i wasnt able to read what it said and was worried. otherwise yeah i still just have the same issue with the "ghost blocks" happening on the line of where my render distance ends and where DH begins
that was overdraw prevention
cant get around this with comp, sets rd to 6 should hide most of it
*but while travelling on already generated chunks only
im not really used to all these technical terms, if you could dumb it down a bit for me😅
basically between real and LoD chunks there's a harsh cut out if there's no blending
comp blends them by fading both chunks with alpha blending
the caveat is if you're travelling too fast or your render distance is too low, the blending will 'bug out' like that
what do you recommend i put my render distance to?
other shaders give you more leeway
shrimple and bliss i can play on 2 and 4 rd respectively
Is it really just caused by too low of a vanilla rd
Surely not
yes, it is
i got le early access build from comp last month
yeah im using 8 right now, but i still get the issues if im either flying or just generally high up on something
that's weird then
only happens with comp?
heres what it looks like when ive turned off shaders
i dont think there should be bloom effect with shaders turned off
test again perhaps
oki doki lemme try
ahh yeah you were right
its comp
hero! ill hop onto their discord and ask them if its a known issue or something they plan on fixing, which i hope lol
also, whats this supposed to say?
"this pack doesn't have dh support"
probably not, i asked emin before
unless ofc hordes of mc players keep bugging him
By pack does it mean the nether somehow?
I think the message just appears whenever there's no dimension specific support
dang thats a bummer, comp is my favorite shader but its a pretty annoying thing to look at lol. for now i guess ill just increase my normal render distance
hmmmmm might be because of better nether? i dont think that would change the nether itself though
emin just havent do a support for DH in nether yet
if it works, good.
if it doesnt work, now you know
ahh well it doesnt ruin the experience, thank you for the info!
if not, can i "bandaid" it a bit by changing DH settings? like with overdraw?
set it to 0.0
did that and sadly i cant really see any differences