consistently bad results in the latest update
Since updating to the newest version, I get very consistently poor results, not rendering at the full distance that it used to, tons of missing and broken chunks, etc.

24 Replies
Have you tried increasing CPU load and just giving it some more time to generate all the LODs?
i have it on
settingsAnd where exactly are these tons of missing and broken chunks, I only see one hole in your LODs
that's one example, but there are others around it
Check the F3 menu to see if its still generating LODs

Minecrafts world gen is just slow, DH can't do much about that
Is this 2.0.1, 2.0.2, or 2.0.3?
which part of the f3 menu should i look at? it still has update thread pool tasks going
and i don't really understand this x-ray weirdness:

only seems to happen over water
and only when using freecam
Seems Minecraft isn't keeping up with loading new chunks
actually, not only when using freecam, flying over causes some issues (but not as drastic as that)
so weird, even as i move around in spectator chunks seem to randomly unrender around me
the world is entirely generated around me, cause i used chunky to do the worldgen
but the rendering engine is completely unstable.
if i move in a straight line for 1000 blocks, then turn around, the majority of the chunks behind me are unrendered empty chunks and won't render in until i'm next to them again.
Could that be a Minecraft issue? Are LODs reloading fast enough as you move?
yeah very possibly.
Is your framerate capped or is vsync on
vsync is on and max framerate is 120 fps
How's CPU usage looking from task manager
pretty high, between 70-100%
Try loweing the CPU load preset in DH settings
interestingly, turning off shaders and turning them back on seems to have a big negative impact as well.
i thought "maybe turning off shaders will help the rendering issue" but it just causes all these issues to happen more.
You just gotta restart the game to fix the holes
Idk about the X-ray thing tho
this is overdraw prevention
You shouldn't be able to be so close to the DH lod
normally there should be a vanilla chunk
so lods just move out of the way so you can see the vanilla chunks
This time though vanilla chunks haven't appeared in time
ah that
makes sense