how to import server action function to client component from file that has "server-only" package?

So I have the following client component which calls a server functions. but inside of actions file, when i import "server-only" package, it doesn't work anymore. How can I fix this? Thanks
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michaeldrotar15d ago
Can you explain what "doesn't work anymore" means? Is there an error? If you're looking for it to console.log something be sure to check server logs, not browser logs
terlan889215d ago
I showed error on the third screenshot. I want to have "import server-only" in my actions file. but when i have that, i cannot use those actions in client components. that's what i am trying to do.
michaeldrotar15d ago
Sorry, I only saw the first screenshot. I believe they're 2 separate things for solving 2 separate problems. - use server indicates a server action - server-only throws if used in a client Despite the error sounding like something specific to the pages directory, that seems to just be an assumption. The actual code simply imports a file that always throws an error on client and imports one that is empty on server. There's no logic to check if you're in a pages directory or not. The behavior you're seeing is also noted in the docs as being intentional
Now, any Client Component that imports getData() will receive a build-time error explaining that this module can only be used on the server. So I believe you just simply don't use that in this case. But lmk if you've seen something to the contrary. You could also search the browser js to see if your function does indeed exist there - I haven't done that but it sounds like nextjs wires up server actions in a way that the function won't be sent to the browser since it's marked as use server
terlan889215d ago
"logic to check if i am in a pages directory"?? i feel like you generated the answer with ai honestly. there is nothing to do with pages directory here
michaeldrotar15d ago
The error you got references it
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terlan889215d ago
sorry, well i am not using pages directory. i just want my action to work on client component. but the action should be in a file that has "server-only" import in it.
Bohdan14d ago
what do you want to achieve with "server-only"? looks like an XY problem to me
terlan889214d ago
"server-only" is to make sure that functions defined inside of the file can only be imported in server components and it prevents importing them on client components. so that's why i want to have in my actions file. however i have other question as well where theo was able to import server-only function in client component.
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terlan889214d ago
i think i am also confused on when to use "server-only" and when to use "use server" or if we should use both always to indicate that this code should run in the server + it cannot be imported in client components.
Bohdan14d ago
they are actually opposites: "use-server" marks a server side function or an entire module (file) as callable from the client. an http handler will be created under the hood for that. "server-only" ensures that a module will never be directly used from the client. basically, if you try to import a "server-only" module in a "use client" module, the import won't work.
michaeldrotar14d ago
server-only and use server are not the same thing again, find an example that uses both. Your other thread, as Bohdan pointed out, does not - you were mixing up two different api consts server-only is also years old.. I've never used it, but I would imagine a proper use case would be for /api routes and, more specifically, util files used by those routes
Bohdan14d ago
Think this way: You write server-side code (RSC) by default and have direct access to whatever you need, be it DB, external services or .env secrets. Everything is rendered on server and send to the client as markup. So far none of the JS you write gets shipped to the client, all without any need for "use server" or "server-only". If you need some code to run client-side (primarily to have state and interactivity via hooks), you can opt into this with "use client". Think an interactive island in a sea of "static" markup. A client component will be run (rendered) twice: first on server, generating markup, just like the code outside of the island, then sent over the wire as a bundle that consists of its markup (that we just generated) + its JS code. The JS code will then run for the second time, adding bindings (like event listeners) to the markup. This second execution is called hydration. In order to pass data to client-side islands, you can pass it as a prop from an RSC. It will be used for the initial pre-hydration rendering, then serialized and sent to client for hydration. Now we also need to take care of the communication from client-side islands back to the server. This is where "use server" comes into play. It allows you to expose a server function to your client components, which you can then either directly import in client components or pass as a prop from a server component. import "server-only" marks a module's contents as truly server only. If you attempt to import such a module in a client component, it won't work. Note that this explanation doesn't cover using server actions in RSC forms as this would be too much all at once.
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