Bought some tabi (short heel), need styling recommendations that aren't all black outfits!
My wardrobe is pretty colorful and I don't have many blacks. I'm a little heavy too (on my way down, but its taking time) so I can't comfortably wear anything high waisted which I see here often. I will post some outfit pics in here to give you an idea of my style.

255 Replies
Some of my common outfits

Where have u been in waywt dude
I know this doesn't give you a perfect starting place and I'm happy to look into changing up my style
or adding to it!
Last 2 jackets and overalls are sick
to be honest i am not sure the tabis would go with your current style unless you're leaning hard into the juxtaposition
i think there's a way of achieving this, but it would require a change into looser pants
are there any tabis fits you've seen that you enjoyed?
Earth\Studies overalls
Railcar Fine Goods chore
IndigoUnion Kimono
significantly wider and looser would be a good starting place
maybe some bootcut black denim to start if you have those?
There is a guy here that wears super wide all black fits with them
verging on japanese cosplay
(in a good way)
yohjicadoavocado on TikTok
@yohjicadoavocado 3388 Followers, 307 Following, 92.4k Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by yohjicadoavocado
This person wears tabis and I am a fan of them
They have a similar build to me too
which is nice
thank you
that is def a good place to start. I was thinking of wearing them with a semi-workwear type of outfit maybe?
dark tones and tabi instead of like black iron rangers?
about to eat dinner but i will check messages after
cheers guys ❤️
i think (and i am just spitballing here) maybe the blues could be used to approximate a double denim look, and then the tabis would be like a black cowboy boot of sorts
I think they could also work with the overalls, probably with a different jacket though
styling them with the overalls could def be interesting to try
after looking through his videos he only has one style that isnt all black lol
blue homme plisse pants and an oversized white button down
haha its a struggle
Followup question:
I like these pants but I don't love asos. Anyone have a favorite place to shop for clothes in this style where the quality isnt terrible but isn't crazy expensive?
alternatively favorite brands to look out for second hand
how do these look?
Heritage Trousers - Basic Black
Classic pleated unisex Trousers in a custom developed 100% cotton twill with a corduroy inspired look. Double pleated with big pockets. Made in Los Angeles. Regular and petite lengths. Sizes XXS - 6XL.

if you're willing to invest, secondhand yohji can go down to $250-300
they specialize in those massive silhouettes that go well with tabis
they have two intro lines (s'yte/ground y) that can go lower (~150-200) but it's still a bit hefty
I’m ngl tabis are pretty anti-workwear which seems to be your predominant style
Maybe some lemaire-esque stuff can help? Like drapy Uniqlo u and stuff too
Definitely more minimalist fabrics and looser pants
Would go for cropped lightweight pants
Maybe linen can work
i feel.
yeah i think the consensus is wider/drapier
i agree with you
But would also love to see workwear with these boots
I'm gonna try out a canadian tux with them
if it looks good I'll post it
Oooh excited
idk, im here to experiment
looking at drapier pants. any other recs? any opinions on the bigbudpress pants above?
yeah its a bit heafty. I don't mind spending for the right pieces (see: tabi) but it really has to be right
If you’re going for wide, I don’t think the bigbudpress pants are wide enough
Might be worth looking at Dickies or Carhartt, though I think carpenter pants would be tough to style with tabis. Maybe something more plain from them with less workwear detailing
I don’t have any recs because I’m also on the hunt but you’d be surprised how much cool stuff you can find at Zara if you’re on a budget
looking forward to your style develpments
I am begging you to post more in #waywt
Also Godspeed with the tabi endeavor I am invested
@kyn 😅
I need more people like you in my life hyping me up
I'm gonna try some stuff I have tonight, see if anything sticks before i run off and spend even more money
Okay this is the first thing I put together. I found some gramicci pants that sort of work but they are all cotton and dont have great flow

Excuse my dirty ass room
And my gross beard that isnt brushed out
lookin fresh
Definitely the right ball park
I would probably be more convinced by this with a different shirt as well but I like the idea
I’m not sure how to express it but the texture of the boots and pants really look at odds to me.
Thats because they are at odds for sure
These pants are a pretty decent cut for this but the wrong material
I think I need something somewhat synthetic
This is cotton
think it's bc it's too structured lol
cotton doesn't drape as well as say wool/rayon
There goes the wallet
honestly pretty good first go at it, we're nearly there
Gonna go thrifting tomorrow and see if I can find something
Thanks guys
I will be back 🫡
And I’ll start posting in waywt 🫡🫡
Yes please. I want to see those fits.
oh hey we have the same bed (I got the black hardware and took off the headboard because I hated it, but still!)
It’s not a question of “how to style tabbies?”, rather, “how do I style black boots?” That’s what you need to focus on, as a starting point, before playing around with silhouettes to better home in on your desired style with tabbies.
I often find a good starting point to be the pants and boot combos: green, cream, black, charcoal, and khaki pants work well with black. Once you figure out which combo you wanna go with, build your outfit around those elements.
I think the fact they’re tabis is more important than the fact that they’re black. For example black docs have a way more different styling method than white tabis compared to these shoes
Yeah the aesthetics / vibes of the tabis are very different from a monkey/engineer/combat boot
Guys, you’re talking about nuance at this point. In this case, silhouettes, which is valid, but, he needs to understand the basic concept, which means, color combinations, and then he can figure out silhouettes.
i disagree that color is more important than silhouette
Look at the photos he sent in this thread. Not a single black item, which tells us, he needs to understand the basics of color combos with black, and then figure out silhouettes.
and the one photo w/ tabis is clearly an attempt to color coordinate, so assuming he's gonna get maybe one more pair of pants to start off with its important to consider the silhouette as well
My guy, no one is saying it’s not important. He will experiment and figure these things out. He clearly understands proportions and silhouettes. We just wanted to get the basics out the way. We’re on the same page, but you’re a paragraph ahead, get it?
it just sounds like you are suggesting he buy black pants with the assumption they are only half way there, stylistically, and he will buy something else later.
The formality difference between tabis and workwear is much more stark than any color differences
Why not just get the best thing?
Plus I think you can wear black shoes with literally anything
You can’t just switch out YSL Wyatt’s for Docs and expect the same synergy even if they’re black
But black and other color Wyatt’s will work if you switch them out
I was just letting OP know what colors tend to work well with black. A simple guide, if you will, which will better help him understand how to build a cohesive outfit from that starting point. Essentially, color coordinate to make things easier, since his initial photos were entirely made of earth tone outfits, and then build the shapes and silhouettes accordingly.
As an example, would absolutely not work with combat boots but will work with Wyatt’s, camions, guidis, geobaskets, and tabis
And any color tabi would work
May I very respectfully ask why you bought tabis in the first place?
do you not own tabis? you have an extremely tabi-coded wardrobe
im assuming Pesty is in good faith, it actually would be great to hear from OP what direction he's hoping to go in
I think it’s a good entry point into avant garde fashion
I need tabis in my life and have plans for getting me some
But I genuinely don’t understand why OP included that kind of piece in his wardrobe
I just assume anyone with guidi/ccp has or is about to have tabis
Don’t be mistaken I’m all for anyone embracing darkness with me
But getting from redwings to tabis is quite the stretch
If u wanna transition to avant garde u gotta start somewhere
Gotta take the plunge sometime
Can’t wear Rick shorts with red wings either
The fit he posted with them shows (to me) that he has things in the genre already and is looking to explore it
Can’t put that shit on if you don’t have the shit to put on in the first place
thats a fair question
I think I bought them to push myself
into more interesting outfits
and to have something exciting and weird was my way of doing it
this is kind of it
I think this is an important note along with silhouette
I'm inevitably going to have to buy some new clothes to go along with this and I'm happy you brought up color composition
Well good luck my friend
I think texture/material is important here as well
Transitioning into avant garde is an awful process
Nah what matters is consistency
That’s all
Absolutely. Everything mentioned in the comments goes without saying. Everything is important, but I was pointing out priorities and starting points.
Tabis don’t have a weird silhouette or specific material
Have you met my best friend and cheat code, the color black
They just look weird because they’re tabis
what do you mean by that? stylistic consistency? color consistency?
So your fit must be strong enough to incorporate them without them looking out of place
Quit thinking about colours
It’s not about colours
hah, read the headline of the thread
It’s funny that a lot of people always lean on black due to perceived ease, but it’s the most difficult color for me to work with. I understand color palettes and complimentary colors, but when it comes to me, I just can’t do it. I’m not gonna lie, a big part of it is just my aversion to the color black in clothing. I just don’t care for it, so I find it incredibly difficult to style for myself.
Man now I want my tabis
My sweet green tabis
Black is both easy and hard to wear
i have almost 0 black in my wardrobe
yohji black wall of text meme.jpg
which is a rough start lol
cue Frugal Aesthetic "Why You Look Bad in Black" video
But I guess what Kyn meant is that tabis go well in all black outfits
And he ain’t wrong
yeah 98% of tabi fits ive seen are all black
I also think black/monochrome/earth tones are easier entry points into wide fit/avant garde than also worrying about color
I think @circleframes does a good job introducing color to black shoes
Have you seen the How To Breathe inspo albums
I imagine you have based on your fit pics
also the other reason I got them is because they were an absolute steal (although I'd been eyeing them for 1.5years)
Yea lemaire does a LOT with greens and tans and off whites
harder to avoid bricking say white/beige even though I've seen some fire fits with those
they were less than 400 👀
Holy good deal
There’s that one beige wide fit tabis in the snow fit that lives rent free in my head
in the exact condition in the pic?
hot damn
thats from the listing
might be helpful to post here as a reference

Was looking for it
ACTUALLY Charlie does a lot of cool stuff with their white tabis
no i havent
Might not actually be tabis…
Same vibe
Let me find for u my king
they are
im not going to get tabis but if I did I would get white tabis
very cool
I see the butt crack on the right one
or bright lime green
Be prepared for people staring at you when you walk down the streets though
From the malefashionadvice community on Reddit: how to breathe — an...
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Tabis are WEIRD PERSON territory
graffiti stained white caught my eye recently
From the malefashionadvice community on Reddit: how to breathe — pa...
Explore this post and more from the malefashionadvice community
I imagine pesty might have an avant garde inspo album to link to as well
Yeah my Instagram
haha I see that self promo ❤️
i think anyone who spends time on a fashion gamer chat server qualifies as WEIRD PERSON
We’re all weird nerds
It becomes more tangible when you cross certain boundaries
I’m just giving out a warning from experience
Wuz is so sick for these
Yeah I live in a fairly fashion-conservative city and I get Some Looks when I’m out in full goth widefit weirdo
But even individual odd pieces will draw attention
I live in the heart of the MARAIS
(Not saying i have swag, saying to just own it if you’re gonna wear it)
Which is the gay and fashion district of Paris
lol hell yes it is
People here wear dog masks
I miss le marais
And I still get looks
Just for wearing weeb Japanese designer clothing
Our place is in the 15eme, might go back this summer
15th it pretty cool too
But less than the marais
it’s pretty mid let’s call it what it is
It’s a great place to live in
Not to go out
We can take Parisian quibbling to another place tho
This is about shrimp
And I want the party to be outside my window
btw this community is awesome. never felt so accepted by people who dont know me, outside of gaming
You showed up, asked a good question, provided fit pics (that were good!), and threw us fresh meat (tabi discourse)

Those are my babies
Soon they will be mine
I mean if thats all it takes to get 10 people giving me so much fashion advice that they start arguing with eachother over which advice is better then I'm here for it lmao
still waiting to take the plunge?
how do they close? I assumed they were zippers but this pic shows the material overlaps
they have a really weird closure
I might buy some really great/ugly white tabi sneakers when I finally give up on stan smiths
Margiela x reebok save me

just buy a band saw and any shoes can become tabis
they are flat darts which tuck into an elastic band
the darts are metal
i dont know how that makes me feel
My Charlie? They don’t have white tabis
They have black ones but haven’t worn them in forever
Tabis are lowkey hard to style because they will very often just read as a shortcut to signaling “I care about fashion”
Wait I thought they had white ones LOL
A poorly put together outfit with tabis is like seeing anyone just getting into a hobby but owning some really expensive specific piece of gear
Translate to whatever hobby you know about most
It’s the opposite of the SF uniform. Great flowy top and pants and then ultra boosts

They have white balenciaga boots and white margiela heeled sandals, I don’t think they have any other white shoes haha
To me, some of the important factors are hem length, and like people said, the weight and width of the pants
Like you shouldn’t actually see most of the boot imo
Almost like a cowboy boot, the toe, the heel, and a liiitle bit above the heel is kind of all I want to see
There are exceptions but I think that’s a solid starting point
Like seldom wears tabis with shorter skirts and things and she looks great
But for more menswear coded outfits longer pants will be easier
Probably still no break though
What do yall think about this

Just a couple inches longer, very slightly widened the hem
yeah im not ready for womenswear coded clothing
which might be pretty apparent based on my fit pics
I must be conflating two shoes into one
I actually think shorter works for the tabis but longer works too
Right there with ya.
The wider your pants are, the shorter they can be
Would Rick astaires work with tabis? Idk
I think not
Idk I don’t know how to style Rick lol btw I just found this album
Tabi Inspo 2020

this is vaguely what I'm thinking in regards to workwear + tabi
or denim + tabi
Vintage Charlie, Dylan and Elliot pics in there haha

This is kind of a hard sell for me tbh
Still waiting for my banker’s approval

I think this is a good picture and not a bad outfit, but I don’t think the workwear parts and the tabis are necessarily helping each other
I think the idea is fun but you probably need to push more towards Japanese workwear to make it happen
I agree with bishop. The cuffed jeans are a product of its time and if I were to wear it with the cuffed jeans I might as well put on brown heritage boots
“Nikkapokka” Pants in Style on the Construction Site (Photos)
Photographer Matsuda Tadao’s portraits of Japanese construction workers are taken on site, capturing the reality of their jobs with the sweat and grime of a hard day’s efforts. As well as being fitted to their work, distinctive, baggy nikkapokka pants help these laborers to stand out in the crowd.
Ya prolly also closer to Japanese city boy style
I think tabis might be a step too “weird” for city boy

damn where do I find pants like this

other than Homme Plisse
Search yjp for “nikkapokka” pants probably also anyone got an ID on these pants?
TikTok · yohjicadoavocado
57 likes, 3 comments. “#stitch with @jung dumb motherfucker thought he could”
They’re still common work pants I’m sure there’s a ton of cheap options
Almost certainly yohji hakama pants
Without actually watching
Wool gabardine if they’re the nice ones
i think you're right
thanks man
what do we think about these pants as an option?
It’s easy
Full Rick
Other than that lol
@circleframes has a pair and I have a pair in green
I like them personally
have a fit pic with your green ones?

oh damn im sold
Oh I have these exact pants and am wearing them in waywt today lol
@dangerg has a pair in a heavier fabric but idt has styled them yet
Ah I havent taken many photos lately
I like them!
im in southern california so light fabric for me
I think they are a fun intro into some wide drapey pants on the cheap
love how they look on you @circleframes
Thanks homie they would look great on you too
on the cheap ------ $150 ------- 😭
its all relative haha
am a poor design graduate student
who already overspends on clothes
so im gonna send it
Yeah this is fair. Just look at some prices of other things that look like this lmao
i know 😭
@circleframes @Char - i am sexytea how is the sizing? I'm between a 36 and 38 but on my way down. can I pull off a 36 because of the elastic?
@Shrimp I’m actually wearing them with boots here. I think tabis would kinda work. And the vest might be a way to bring in ur workwear style?

I also got some bjj pants from a thrift store

ooh I like it
I’m dumb and ordered an XS like 5 years ago and I’m a 30. Don’t have any advice other than don’t do what I did
thrifting is on the to do list
I’m usually a 32 and got the small but they are maybe a little too snug on me. It’s only half elastic
I’m doin a little shimmy to get them off u feel me
Tate and Yoko probably has better measurment charts than Ssense
since they are the primary naked and famous seller
yeah, but they dont stock these at tate
they make other colors
Yeah mine are the “rinsed Oxford”
and they are measuring an xl @ 36
good call on tate and yoko measurements @dangerg
Yeah ssense chart is measuring from the low waist it looks like
Fair enough on such a high waisted pant
Linen Blend Relaxed Pants | UNIQLO US
Shop unisex Linen Blend Relaxed Pants at UNIQLO US. Read customer reviews, explore styling ideas, and more.
and what do we think of these in tan
Wide-Fit Pleated Pants | UNIQLO US
Shop men Wide-Fit Pleated Pants at UNIQLO US. Read customer reviews, explore styling ideas, and more.
and these in black
im thinking that both of the materials will have the drape/movement im looking for
Honestly, I’d try to get something nicer secondhand
Uniqlo synthetics and trousers in general are disappointing ime
Yeah I almost feel like some old BR linen trousers
Also Muji @Shrimp
Women's Linen Easy Wide Pants
Lightweight wide leg trousers made with breathable linen. It features a soft, washed-out texture that fits and feels better with each wear.
this is kind of silly but I feel weird buying womens pants
maybe I should stop being a little bitch about it though
I’ve been really disappointed with most of my Uniqlo pants
Like when it hits it hits but 80%+ I’ve donated within a year or so
Also yeah divorce yourself from gendered clothing feelings when you can
If it fits it fits
Yeah I would say if ur gonna get into the flowy avant garde thing the gender binary of pants is gonna hold u back
There’s nothing really more femme about these than the N&F ones
If anything they’re less so
Keep in mind women’s pants have no pockets
Well they do
But not functional
Oh true good point char ty
I can always carry a cross body bag I guess
Bags r my number 1 accessory for sure
Guidi bag time
Or I think JAS just put out an insane bag
My girlfriend is gonna kill me if I start buying expensive bags too lmao
She doesn’t love u like we love u
Tru. She went to Paris for 9 months for her dissertation research and left me here to spend all my money on clothes instead of her
Gotta pamper urself too king
also worth noting there's no correlation between wearing womenswear and being avant garde or any other specific aesthetic of clothing - these are women's pants and i had no intention of being androgynous

if you're wearing the clothes (rather than the clothes wearing you) gender shouldn't matter
Also women’s pants

I guess its something that I hope will come with experience wearing them
Without any, it feels out of my comfort zone
Not the best pics but you get it
Actually ya listen to zeo. It’s not even that deep
But I’m down to clown
Ty @zeometer well said
Also damn yall are some good looking guys
that's very kind to say but i'm a person of multitudes with cool clothes
as are you 👍
honestly that's mostly how i approach dressing; if you're into it and feel good about it then that's what matters
A lot of my nicest pants are women’s, as long as they fit well literally zero reason to care
Except pockets can be annoying
These are both women’s

I’m also a big advocate of just going to the thrift and finding pants in a nice fabric that are as big as you can get and modifying them as a shortcut to big pants with no money
I’m convinced 😊 @Scott this is what I’m starting with to wearing tabis
when you first did this, i didnt see that you changed the photo. I really like that. that is what I'm aiming for 100%
Haha yeah I thought it might have been too subtle to notice