Trial with Pro plan

Hey there! We are a very small startup! I just signed up with Railway and checked the pricing plans. The pro plan( i.e. 32GB RAM and 32 vCPU per service) is very reasonable and I would like to move my app from our current cloud service to Railway. However, first I would like to try for a few days and see if it's a good fit for us. I was wondering if there is any free trial for Pro plan, maybe for a few days? or any money back if I decide to cancel within a few days? Thank you!
Brody•18d ago
hey! you arent the first to ask this, so i can pass on the message the team gave to the last person who asked, they do not offer trials for pro. please keep in mind you do not get a fixed 32vcpu and 32gb of ram on the team plan, you only get access to use up to that amount and any resource usage is extra on top of the seat costs. if you don't need the regions or the extra resources, try the platform out on the hobby plan!
Mehdi•18d ago
Thank you Brody for prompt response! Question: so when I start the Pro plan, what would be the min RAM and CPU, then? I dont need 32 GB RAM at this point, but I assume it automatically scales if my app needs more resources up to 32 as part of the Pro plan. is that right?
Brody•18d ago
the minimum is whatever your app uses, if your app uses 30mb of memory then you pay for 30mb of memory (same applies for the other resource types too) railway doesnt scale anything in this regard, your app can use as much of the 32vcpu and 32gb of ram or as little at any given point. theres some caveats like if your app is single threaded you wont be able to use more then 1vcpu, but thats more of a code thing than a platform thing
Mehdi•18d ago
Thanks! just to clarify, I can use up to 32 GB ram and 32vcpu as part of the Pro plan? interestingly., i have muti-threaded app. there are several concurent processes as part of some functions.
Brody•18d ago
yep every service can use up to 32vcpu and 32gb of ram, since thats per service (pro-rated to the minute)
Mehdi•18d ago
sounds great! Thank you!
Brody•18d ago
if you have any more questions feel free to ask
Mehdi•18d ago
so for pro plan there is no free trail? i have to pay for a month to be able to test it ?
Brody•18d ago
unfortunately there are no pro trials, if you dont like the platform after you have paid for pro you can ask for a refund, i dont see why they wouldn't give you a refund as long as you gave them feedback on why you arent staying, but i dont work for railway so i make no promises
Mehdi•18d ago
I understand... I think the hobby is good enough for the app it has 8 GB RAM / 8 vCPU per service so i should be fine. also, what you mean exactly by service here?
Brody•18d ago
it depends, it's not exactly about if the plan has the resources you need, it's more about usecase, you said startup so for sure the hobby plan is fine for the time being but after your project is no longer a hobby you would need to be on pro even if you didn't need the resources that grants you a service.. like an app service, or a database service
Mehdi•18d ago
gotcha! that's clear... 🙂 thank you again!
Brody•18d ago
happy to help, this thread isn't going anywhere so if you happen to think of more questions drop them here!
Mehdi•18d ago
absolutely! appreciate it!
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