Proxmox integration setup problems

I have followed the installation, but missed out on creating a proxmox integration object on the homarr dashboard initially. After badding it, I am now getting the following error in my log. 'proxmox': Error accessing service API: ''. The following error was returned: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401
you should have 2 permission entries
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88 Replies
Cakey Bot
Cakey Bot3mo ago
Thank you for submitting a support request. Depending on the volume of requests, our team should get in contact with you shortly.
⚠️ Please include the following details in your post or we may reject your request without further comment: - Log (See - Operating system (Unraid, TrueNAS, Ubuntu, ...) - Exact Homarr version (eg. 0.15.0, not latest) - Configuration (eg. docker-compose, screenshot or similar. Use ``your-text`` to format) - Other relevant information (eg. your devices, your browser, ...)
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Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Maybe it is a firewall problem? OS is Ubuntu 24 plus dock starter for homarr. Just to clarify: Homarr is running as a container on Ubuntu and Ubuntu is a vm on my proxmox server. Sadly, plenty of opportunities for a connection not to through.
Tag3mo ago
401 is "unauthorized", so either you didn't do the api key properly, or it's getting blocked by a reverse proxy Firewall would straight up block it, no error code. Using https and a local IP seems wrong though, are you sure it's not http?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I have tried http as well. Same result. But, yes, I am suspicious that it doesn't like my local IP setup. I also re-applied my api key once again using "api@pam!homarr=<my api>" I have also tried the container ip, but this gives the econnrefused error. Hmm, I don't see any messages in the proxmox system log...
Manicraft10013mo ago
Please post your full log as requested by @Cakey Bot @CrankyPunisher what is the URL you entered? Are you using a proxy? Are you using VLANs?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
full log as in system log of the underlying vm? no proxy. no VLAN. main intention to post in general was to get another user to share their settings.
Manicraft10013mo ago
The full log of Homarr please. There may be some other useful information in it What's your URL?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I am rebooting the box to get you a shorter log. Less junk after a reboot... External URL is https://pve1.<my domain>.:8006 I resolves locally via DNS and I can access proxmox with it
Manicraft10013mo ago
Can the VM & Homarr resolve this too?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
The vm can. Checking on homarr container now Hmm, there is no ping in the container. I need to figure out how to do that...
Manicraft10013mo ago
Run apt-get install -y iputils-ping
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
yep It is working. homarr can ping the external url Should I check the internal ip?
Manicraft10013mo ago
Yes please
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
That works as well.
Manicraft10013mo ago
Ok. So it is not a networking issue. The token is correct?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Well, it could still be http vs https, but neither one is working... Yes, I eve nreapplied it again. I guess I can generate a new one if we are running out of ideas. But wouldn't there be a different error message if the token is wrong?
Manicraft10013mo ago
This is a common error message for invalid tokens
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I am struggling to get the log. I am using docker container logs homarr > /data/log.txt to create it It shows me all the relevant output on screen, but the file has different content... OK. I have generated a new api key. no change. I don't understand why it shows me the following error on screen, but not in the generated log file. ERROR 'proxmox': Error accessing service API: ''. The following error was returned: AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401
Manicraft10013mo ago
Then I would suggest you to submit an issue on GitHub and tag because he's the author of the integration:
dslatt - Overview
dslatt has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Add Proxmox integration/widget by dslatt · Pull Request #1903 · ajn...
Thank you for contributing to Homarr! So that your Pull Request can be handled effectively, please populate the following fields (delete sections that are not applicable) Category Feature Overvie...
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I can give it a try. I have only created one issue on github before... Thank you for trying to help!
Manicraft10013mo ago
No worries! You can link this conversation in the issue so they can catch up on our discussion:
Proxmox integration setup problems - Homarr
I have followed the installation, but missed out on creating a proxmox integration object on the homarr dashboard initially. After badding it, I am now getting the following error in my log. 'proxmox': Error accessing service API: ''. The following error was returned: AxiosError: Request fai...
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I am not sure if it matters, but I am seeing a lot of communication issues in my homarr log ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (2ae1d0c3-7dc8-4e1d-8ea1-afc1778fb6c7): TypeError: fetch failed ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'jellyfin' (151c1c28-6343-4b94-942e-74bf7b7e11ae): AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401 ERROR Failed to request data from Overseerr: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') ERROR failed to communicate with media server 'plex' (2ae1d0c3-7dc8-4e1d-8ea1-afc1778fb6c7): TypeError: fetch failed
Manicraft10013mo ago
So they are timing out or getting 401 as a response There is definetly something messing with your network requests
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Yet, all the shown apps are working just fine (directly and with homarr widgets)
Manicraft10013mo ago
But I have not used Promox so I cannot help you in that regard
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I understand. I am concerned that there is no failed request in the proxmox log... I mean it normally logs pretty much everything... But I will work on the github request this evening. Do I just open an issue on github ajnart / homarr and then tag dslatt? It is just a commit to the existing project, right? I got the github issue opened, but how do I tag dslatt to it?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Proxmox Integration Connectivity Problem · Issue #2044 · ajnart/hom...
Environment Docker Version 0.15.3 Describe the problem My environment: Proxmox server Ubuntu 24.04 VM with dock starter and homarr Discord Homarr channel support link
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Thank you for applying some corrections/comments to my issue! 🙂 Shall I leave this open and copy any future solutions? One other thing I noticed is that the widget is just blank. Other widgets normally give some kind of error message, but then this is just the first release. In any case, it is an exciting new feature and I hope I get to use it soon.
Danny3mo ago
@CrankyPunisher Sorry for asking - but my friend hat this same issue this morning. Do you get any information from proxmox in homarr (list of lxc, vms etc.)? My friend was missing a role mapping for the group in proxmox (Step 6 in the documentation)
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
@Danny Do you mean a Group Permission? Thank you for responding!
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
🖥️ Hardware | Homarr documentation
Homarr supports various different integrations that allow monitoring of your hardware directly from your dashboard.
Danny3mo ago
Yeah, i have mostly the same setup as you i guess. We could check the settings
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Sure Good news! I have just reapplied the API key for the third time and suddenly it has started working!! 🙂
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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Danny3mo ago
But no information about ur vms, lxc or storage?
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Kind of. It doesn't pull much beyond the node...
Danny3mo ago
Mh, maybe wait some minutes or reload site. If i remeber correctly, i also needed to wait a minute or so till the widget showed informations
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
yeah. I am hoping for that!
Danny3mo ago
If not we can check the settings in proxmox. Maybe redo the whole configuration and create a new api key
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I have already checked the log. proxmox entries are gone. No new errors... That would be the 4th api key then... I think I will first wait on a response for the github ticket. I am still concerned that there are no messages in the proxmox log. I mean it normally sdeems to log pretty much everything. Hard to believe that api calls aren't logged. Especially, if they fail...
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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Danny3mo ago
I cant even see logs in proxmox aswell for api calls..
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Hmm. Maybe I am checking the wrong area? I am just looking into ui system log. Oh, wait. Are you saying you can or cannot? I gotta go for now. Work....
Danny3mo ago
In the overall UI system logs i dont see logs for api calls. I just found two logs for pve audit (should be equal to the PVE.Auditrole) but nothing more.. - and not related to homarr or anything in that redirection
dylwing233mo ago
just caught up to this. @CrankyPunisher could you run 'pvesh get /cluster/resources' in your proxmox shell? its basically the cli version of the api path i'm using to access proxmox i'm curious what that will have for you. it seems like the data proxmox is sending out is very limited
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
@dylwing23 I am currently away from my installation, but will run this later on today and report back. Thank you for getting back to me!
dylwing233mo ago
no problem. whenever you get a chance. ty! also, can you run "curl -k -H "Authorization: PVEAPIToken=<API Token you created>" https://<your proxmox IP>:8006/api2/json/cluster/resources" from somewhere (homarrs docker instance would be ideal, but anywhere with curl works) just wanted to check the api directly incase it doesnt matched up with the cli results for you
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
@dylwing23 I have a question. In your curl command above, is <API Token you created>" just the short numeric portion of the homarr token or the full string including "api@pam!homarr=" @dylwing23 I have tried the numeric portion in the docker container itself. It ran and produced no output. @dylwing23 Then I ran it from the docker VM itself. Same result.
dylwing233mo ago
@CrankyPunisher you use the whole string 'api@pam!homarr=1234...'
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
@dylwing23 That gives "-bash: !homarr=7a0ed54a: event not found" when running it on the VM and no message when running it in the homarr container. I have used api@pam!homarr=<api token>. @dylwing23 Correction. II initially had api1 and after correcting it, I am now getting the following output: {"data":[{"status":"online","type":"node","id":"node/pve1","level":"","node":"pve1","cgroup-mode":2}]} @dylwing23 I believe that is matching my widget output...
dylwing233mo ago
yeah. that seems to match. did you try to other command in the proxmox shell? @CrankyPunisher pvesh get /cluster/resources for some reason proxmox isnt returning all the data I would expect
dylwing233mo ago
did you add both the group permission & api token permission? i just noticed that if I remove the api token permission then Im getting a similar result
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dylwing233mo ago
you should have 2 permission entries
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dylwing233mo ago
I would check your permissions first and ignore the pvesh command thing I mentioned for now
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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CrankyPunisher3mo ago
@dylwing23 pvesh worked right away
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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dylwing233mo ago
click the permisisons tab in proxmox
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
There is only one entry
dylwing233mo ago
should be 2 thing there
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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dylwing233mo ago
yeah you need one for the api token as well its step 10 in the docs
dylwing233mo ago
🖥️ Hardware | Homarr documentation
Homarr supports various different integrations that allow monitoring of your hardware directly from your dashboard.
dylwing233mo ago
so in the permissions tab you click add-> api token and enter as follows
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CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I don't have api@pam!homarr It is not an option
dylwing233mo ago
is there an api token permission in the dropdown check you click add?
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dylwing233mo ago
thats the one you should use
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Even though it shows up on the api token list
dylwing233mo ago
if you select to add the api token permission it should be there
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Duh! I finally got it.
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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dylwing233mo ago
cool, try the widget now think it should work oh yo gotta have pveauditor on the api-users group permissioon as well fix that too
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Still the same
dylwing233mo ago
yours is role noaccess
dylwing233mo ago
so just add group permission
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dylwing233mo ago
both permissions need to be pveauditor
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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dylwing233mo ago
looks good
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
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CrankyPunisher3mo ago
And we have a winner!! 🙂
dylwing233mo ago
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Thank you so much!!!
dylwing233mo ago
glad you got it working
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Your widget is great!
dylwing233mo ago
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
I am happy to help out with testing if needed. I am not a Linux expert, but know enough to keep myself out of trouble. Mostly... 😉
CrankyPunisher3mo ago
Thank you to @Danny and @Manicraft1001 as well. Back to work for me...