LF more tangible feedback
so i’ll preface this by saying i don’t have a whole lot that i’m fond of in my closet yet, but i have posted fits that i like. i’ve noticed though that i’m not seeing more than maybe 20 reactions total at most, and so i’ve come to ask,
am i just dressing in a style unpopular here or am i still falling short on some fundamentals and principles?

26 Replies
if i may ask, what do you like about the fits? what is inspiring them? if you don't know that's fine, it's something to consider
I'd say outfits aside, consistent camera angles and composition are helpful in catching people's eye. generally camera at/around waist height is what is recommended
What is your end goal to look like? Who inspires you, what inspiration do you have?
i have no tripod so waist height is hard. i have to rely on what i can find to prop my phone up so it's rare that i get a properly positioned photo

Might be worth trying the phone in the cup trick
Pictures aside, the siholuttes just read as dated. If you like them thats fine but the pants are slim in a way that isn't doing anything interesting. You aren't using the slimness to exaggerate a silhouette. So its a meme but you could try wider pants. Or try an oversized shirt with the slim/skinny jeans, exaggerate the silhouette.
Without inspo its not like super obvious where to go but thats an easy option. If you don't have inspo than I'd start there, having references when building an outfit is extremely helpful.
If you go for wider pants I would suggest maybe trying them with a raw hem? I think that could look good in conjunction w the werewolf cap.
yeah. the slim legs are less of a choice and more of a necessity, as in it’s all i’ve got rn. working on getting more variety but it is heartening that i’m moving in the right direction already.
i started a list of inspo last night and promptly recognized that i had next to no brain to compile it with; hopefully i’ll have it done today?
As Smiles said, those pants can serve well in a more targeted fit! Would lean rock n roll there.
there was a skinny jeans theme wawyt a couple months ago & some really cool stuff there; https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1142196512034668594/1203023949353713664
also i don't have a tripod either; all of my wawyt pics have been 'pile stuff onto nearby surface and prop my phone up against it and hope it stays up' lol, so it's not a necessity tbh
I don’t own a tripod and have just developed my paper towel roll locations to prop up my phone
i prop my phone on my apartment's dumpsters, it hits the right height and all i do is set the timer and zoom in a little
lol yeah i do something similar, when i take my pics outside i bascially just open the recycling bin lid a bit and wedge it there.
when i take pics inside i lean it against a bluetooth speaker on my dining room table
inspiration-wise i'd say...
- tetsuya nomura's more "normal" designs (ie, squall, or later KH titles)
- kurt cobain (and the rest of nirvana, but esp. him)
- video essayist jacob geller
- guy fieri and alton brown in some episodes of their respective shows; i'm fond of the camp collar and the bowling shirt
i draw layering and pattern/texture usage from the muppets and other costuming in jim henson films, though my closet lacks a lot of significant "staple textures" at the moment. (corduroy and suede especially)
Your current approaches have lacked sense of intentionality imo. The inspo doesn't clearly come thru, and you're missing some cohesion overall - imo mostly due to the cuts of your current pieces letting you down.
general suggestions with inspo in mind, no particular order:
- wide, loose lighter wash denim (shredded or not, ur choice)
- thermals under big tees
- oversized chunky knits (green (the cardi that's pictured is too thin/tight to really capture these vibes)
- converse hi-s
- bigger flannel
- denim vest (not a denim vest/jacket hybrid)
- a big fuckin sword
- big pants, baby tees (pulling from video game art is tough, they're characters whose designs are also v plot relevant so the big goal to capturing the same vibes is hitting the same type of silhouette. Lots of nomura art features characters with a thin top half and flowing bottoms.)
my biggest issue with a couple of those suggestions is that i'm worried about tighter shirts or some vests emphasizing my figure in ways that look more feminine than i really want to present
i do aim for contrasting structure on the top and bottom (thin/wide or wide/thin) but the lack of options i have currently in terms of pants is kneecapping me hard
totally fair, gender is fucky, trust I get it.
For a denim vest specifically I mean getting the vest and something under it as two separate pieces. So you can do a hoodie & denim vest easy, but imo the denim jacket with cotton sleeves wrecks the vibe you're after.
Pants are gonna be a game changer for ya, and id prioritize expanding your options if I were in your position.
yeah. i’ve been working on it slowly, tho it’s mostly been shorts considering the transition into summer
Do u aim for more masc, femme or completely nb?
more masc/nb but the flavor of androgyny that doesn’t rely on skirts/dresses
(i’m also pondering the gender. again. and wondering how much of my lingering attachment to my femininity comes from the compulsive presentation at home and work)
forgot to note; everything i post is worn with compression on
i don’t have a binder yet but at the same time it feels more “accurate” in theory at least to what i assume fat distro would look like without the breasts. i could be very wrong tho
+1 for the big fuckin sword. Definitely a menswear staple
ime, this is something you'll get better at knowing and managing with Putting That Shit On consistently. i can't give you specific advice here bc every body is different, but i think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what sounds kind of bad and unflattering on paper could actually look really good and euphoria-inducing once you try this and that on
tbh i might go for a giant pin does that count
Re: Kurt Cobain - something like this?
