Trying to find a use for this sport coat I thrifted - does this work? What would you change?
I know the jacket propably would lend itself more to some kind of riviera style, but thats not really a vibe im interested in.

14 Replies
Shoes are missing, apologies for that!
Jacket buttons are killing this imo
how so?
too bright?
Think if you want it to lean western you gotta swap them for like a dark brown or something. For me the white buttons evoke like a cheap super slim fitting suit off asos
thats an oddly specific association, lol
I will think about that
the white buttons can work esp with teh washed out color
i do not get the asos thing but i also do not look at asos suits so much so there might be somethign to that
Lemme try to find a picture of what I mean lol
I think this look would work with like white keds
the neck situation i think is a bit much with that though
what are keds?

I just don’t like white buttons ig but could just be me
sperry/vans/white canvas sneaker
ah lol
I am a sneaker analphabet
gotta think about it though, but i doubt that would go with my vibe
feel like t-shirt and jeans/contrasting trouser might be an option?