Unable to read tme uart 'stepper_y1' register IFCNT
Was about to start BEACON_INITIAL_CALIBRATION for the commissioning guide. The print bed started moving but then error and printer shut down.
Saw some previous issues and started changing driver but didn’t change anything and got same error. So it looks like the driver should be good. I don’t want to think that it’s the board and hoping to see if anyone knows any other solutions
5 Replies
Most likely just mapped your motor slots wrong
Go to the hardwre configuration page in the configurator, expand advanced stepper settings and check if the motor slot settings match your physical drivers and wiring.
you've skipped one too many driver slots, you're missing Y1.
You have 7 steppers but only 6 drivers 😄
🤦 Thanks should be good then. First thing I’m gonna do after work 😂