Feedback Time
I've been thinking about this for a bit. I am a long time hater of not getting real feedback in waywt, but lost that fight ages ago. However fuck that I want real feedback and waywt is useless. Give it to me. Gonna post a lot of recent outfits lets talk what can be improved.

244 Replies

the coat in 2 looks good but I think it's incongruous to the rest of the outfit
I think you gotta lose the converse altogether
I don't think I've seen a smiles outfit where I've been like 'yeah converse make sense here'
tie is too clean here (and maybe too skinny?)


im still grabbing photos im reading this
i will ahve questions once i finish with the fit dumps
lmao I'll tap out for a bit
wanna talk about alternatives to the converse cause i see what you're saying

and then lemme post some inspo and we gucci
massive dump ik

alright i think we gucci here

honestly thats super fair, i love the hoodie to lazy around in but i kinda can't style it very well i think
independent of anything else there is a substantial improvement compared to like a year ago - some of it comes from knowing more about you as a person but there's far fewer outright shit bricks in thr last few months
don't disagree, i think im unsure what to replace em with
i tend to reach for them when i want dark slim shoes that aren't loafers
will have actual feedback once i figure out how to not call my coworker a fuckhead over teams
agree but im stagnating again, need a kick, and gl
honestly man
I think your wardrobe might be taking you to a post-sneaker world
the skinnyness i think is an afflection that works, but longer i think is correct
i actually agree
i like, only reach for sneakers in my lazy outfits
yeah I think you use the 550s for chunk and the gats for slim and bin the rest
holy there is alot to dig through here
thjere's tpp much here to comment on
i like the black faded jeans 👍
give as much or as little as you want tbh, pick a fit that rubs you the wrong way and focus on that
if you want you can get a really good sense of me through all the dump or we can choose a specific fit and iterate
General vibes, i feel myself moving towards both shirt and tie twists + designer influenced stuff
which i think are related rn anyway
but i don't wanna wear a shirt and tie to work xd
You should sell those Rancourt loafers they do absolutely nothing for you imo
i think most of this is good, but the 1 thing that feels off in some of these imo is the non clothing features. grooming is v clean and makes it feel more playing dress up kinda thing for some of the more designer focused looks
makes sense with the mensweary looks
hats help for the former
funny i used to wear tons of hats, then cut my hair and stopped
that said i don't have like, weird hats if that makes sense
just ballcaps
yeayea i get that
which i don't feel like change the cleancut vibe
idk i feel like i feel the same disconnect when im trying to wear more out there stuff
Only thing that doesn't work for me is the tie fits but that could also be a me thing, as I have no idea what I'm doing with ties.
I also agree that your style's really come into its own in the discord era.
could just be a change in how ur styling the hair
messy pushed forward situation vs pushed back
depending on the look
but yea idk, could be some non clothing faactors that help sell the look
i will say it doesn't come accross great in the frontshot photos but it is a bit of a mullet/burst fade
i wear lots of jewelry that also doesn't show up well in photos
earrings, rings, etc
maybe need more tats and piercings
face tats would be good
thats not happening even if i like em
what about like a cool scar
I also wonder if you're in a place where I know that you have an affinity for streetwear but sometimes it feels like your style is moving past that (similar to the comments RE: your converse). That sometimes makes things like the hoodie, or even some of the busier shirts, kind of at odds with other pieces for me. Like the fit with the sweater polo and fisherman sandals, to me the pants feel at odds vibe-wis there. Same with the loud (4s?) pink shirt, big jeans and black/white loafies.
like maybe you're trying to put those cool pieces into fits that may not serve them as opposed to just one day doing a more streetwear fit, the next doing a more "fashion-y" fit
anyway respectfully ill marinate on this (i think the real answer is find some weird glasses frames and switch frames based on outfit)
but lets focus on the clothes
that said @Smiles most of this works well and i like it. would be down to get to nitty gritty on the ones that you feel less good about to see whats up
this is the only pairing that I like the leather pants with

i realize im also saying this from a place as someone who is figuring his shit out and just kinda giving my first impression on things
no talk shit, im not just gonna 100% listen
like i wanna hear your opinions
i have mine
not talking shit either these are 100% nitpicks
agree tbh, i find they add a like vibe to the outfits i struggle to match
i really like them though
i can see the evolution and the vision coming together
i feel like some of this was i didn't have good black pants besides them before i got the flares
but also i want to make em work
but they are the wrong vibe for shirt/tie looks is what you are saying if i read you right
i will circle around on this
i can just ping when i do
good exercise myself
wait thy're good here too

this is brand matching lol
pants are 4S, both the jacket and that polo is also 4S
some of it is for all my love of 4S his fabric choices make it super hard to just integrate with non-lux fabrics
if that makes sense
anyway to circle on what i don't really like:

one that I feel like are good but not meeting the potential are these though:

i guess my question with the load stuff clashing is, how can i make that still work
i know thats my domain obv
but vibes wise i kinda like these fits ya'll don't
fair, you think its a brown loafers/shoes in general type thing?
so wondering how to make these things meet
I personally really like this fit. These pants in particular are very “loud” to me so I actually dislike the fits that feature these pants where you pair them with solid color pieces.
If anything… converses work here with this fit than those loafers
I think the color isn't v good to begin with. The kinda pale brown is kinda the worst option. Dark brown or black would be better. In the thumbnails you can see the clear difference between them and your fisherman sandals.
I also think the kinda rugged handsewn style just isn't for you. They're neither dainty nor chunky and land in a weird in between spot that to me just need to be worn with PRL Andrews and an OCBD instead of your wardrobe. There's also nothing like them in your inspo
ok thanks, good looks i think im fighting my sentimentality here but this is a good push to drop em (I do love the aldens way more)
interesting, i feel like often the loudness kinda makes these outfits feel like a mess (though I do think it worked here)
FWIW I also struggle to wear mine for a lot of similar reasons (odd color, better loafers in the stable, slightly odd silhouette)
i agree the color is so scuffed
my favorite fits are the ones where you are squinting in the sun cause it looks like you are in pain :blobfeelsevil:
Idk if I'm gonna have more thoughts but I really like what the faded flares have done for your fits, they were a perfect pickup
agree so much lmao
i adore them
specificaly on the first one i agree with art, I think the tie is too slim/ done up too ?nice? like it would look better maybe looser and a little fucked up like top button open.
or rather, what do you think could be done to the solid colors to make them work as well. Texture? Jewelry? nebulous vibes?
i gotta play with the top button open ties fr
getting my less formal tie styling right is a struggle
same, art said the same thing to me and tbh its the first time ived liked a fit with a tie of mine
needs to be longer, i think undoing the top button also would help, help match the untcuk of the shirt
I think sometimes you get held back by the pieces in your wardrobe that are deep deep black - which is part of why the fading on the flares hits harder for me.
some of this i think is also my dogshit pics
if i can't get out into the sun
but ya its harder to match the deep black leather and polo
both cause of the color and the fabric
I feel like if you’re not leaning into the loudness of the pants then it looks like a fish out of water. A lot of your focus goes to the pants and while I think they’re a cool pair, I think you want viewers eyes’ to look at your face and torso. Graphic tees, punk-esque leather jackets, jackets with patches and other decorative flourishes, and distressed clothing should probably be the main pairing with these pants and I’d say you would rock these fits well.
Your shirts that are similarly loud do not have this issues because they’re drawing focus towards your upper body and they feel like an added layer of spice than a main ingredient.
alright, i will let this marinate, i do like em here a lot (prob my favorite styling with them) which lines up with that (though ya the shoes need to be changes out)

smiles' closet

its true
I’m here for it personally
i like the rancourts here
but not here
the polo bear with big coat adds to the quirked up-ness that makes sense
i tbh think that coat fit is peak smiles
i like the health tee w/ the pants
but agree that a different shoe would make it a clear good fit
yeah i could see the black aldens going well there, or something else entirely
the camions
thats the correct shoe from my wardrobe
yea camions or any black boot really would be good there
expected but thats ok
not everything needs to be groundbreakign i fear
i dont think u need to ditch the rancourts entirely tho
yea agreed
i mean i would say if i ditch em i would jsut get different brown loafers
sometimes it's ok to just look good
oh then yea u do u
differnet brown loafer would also be fine in polo bear coat fit
i agree with beans, getting the natural leather was a fuck up
they take like 10 years to hit the shade of brown i want
I think it adds
Looks like something u got when u were getting into internet fashion like 10 years ago but u still run with it
which is a good thing I think
10 years, like 2, same diff
but alright good looks lots to marinate on here
more feedback always welcomed but this type of shit i love
i don't mind the third lol. imo the black pants aren't serving any of these well and most of these have the same issue where the top and bottom blocks are different vibes but because the relative scale of each is the same there's not as much cohesion or satisfying juxtaposition
shows dedication to your craft too
What's not working about the second last fit here? I actually find it to be really strong in relation to your inspo
i think im over the open shirt over tank vibe
doesn't hit right for me
take the tank off and really make a statement
loud shirt bare chest
honestly not a bad shout
Just about to start my shift, but the one thing I am noticing between your inspo and your fits is that the inspo takes on a multiplicity of shapes with the layering, where as when your layers come together, they're a shape and the shape is then kinda reiterated with the over-layer or draped over with a coat or jacket.
I hope this makes sense cuz I don't have too much time to correct it if I'm wrong!
i don't suepr get it but i can just compare myself and figure out what you mean
i also have to do some work rn lol
first 5 vs. last 4 here

oh these as well

sorta like what isaac said i think you've settled on a couple of silhouettes and rotate the loud pieces through them, and with these it feels like the items aren't effectively being used
I’m glad you mentioned silhouettes i didn’t see any posts in questions or advice about them and they’re a concept i don’t comprehend yet
Think of all the shapes in your outfit
i think your best fits tend to lean into exaggeration or play up the variations in shapes of the things you have - left fit works well because to me it's easy to visually go from the graphic tee to the basketcases, and their size balances out everyone going on in the top block. the right fit just sort of hits all at once, and the impact from the size or shape of the shirt and pants is lessened

I’m gonna make my own q&a so i don’t take up real estate while zeometer is cooking
in general i think there's some degree of hesitancy in the fits, as odd as it sounds. there are some individually not great pieces (rancourts, the black pants), but i think despite the loud pieces the actual pairings are relatively classic - a top that hits at the waist, or else an open layer over a tee/tank that hits at the waist.
whereas with these, despite the classic influences, to me there's a more intentional effort to exaggerate the form - a wider leg opening, a bigger lapel, an obviously long shirt tail, an obviously high rise pant, drop shoulders, asymmetry, etc

there's also a strong visual hierarchy in the fits that are strengthened by the individual loud pieces, or the less obstructive accessories
if you're going in on the juxtaposition of trad and designery stuff it may help to have more trad coded clothes- an oversized white shirt, a fatter tie, chunky loafers or derbies, a db if you can find it, etc
when this mf typing i stop and wait for the knowledge to drop
no breathing no thinking just existing
I don't totally see it ngl
1, 2, and 6 i think i do
5 i think i do occasionally (just don't love it with non-blazers, and don't have great blazers besides my summer one)
i think 3 is a good one to play with and easy to work in
most of the shirt peeking out i guess i don't do, thats mostly just cause larges are cut for someone taller than me tbh
its not super easy to do lol
(4 & 7)
and then 8 is just weird? like i don't see it i feel like most of the layering just comes from the asymetrical fastening
which like sure, its dope thats why i like it, but its mostly a asymetrical db conceit
and the sleeves/gloves interplay, i don't think its silhouette thing as much as a garment thing if that makes sense
Could also hit them with mink oil or something to darken them up a bit
i agree there's a styling component to 8 but i think that's a missing piece here
some sort of way to manipulate the form (asymmetric or partial buttoning, scrunched up sleeves, whatever bishop did in safety pinning his sweater to make drape, etc) could help with the fits, especially with the more out there ones
I think on some of the coat fits specifically I don’t think you have the silhouette doing what you want it to do
I think this cardi is too big to work with cropped pants (although the angle isn’t helping)

too long basically?
and ya that outfit is dogshit
minor shout out more or different ties would help
Also I’ll the joke is that you have two pants but I think that you do keep running into pants pairing issues where you can’t control the silhouette you’re getting because you don’t have enough options
the painted one is beautiful but loses its impact a lot of the time in its styling, and the black is too thin
i have 2 black ties, one "normal" knit one and a skinny leather one
i stand by the skinny leather one works i just haven't haven't styled it quite right yet
Like you have a lot of big oversized top blocks (accentuated by you being jacked) and especially when you’re trying to find new combos I think you’re getting stuff that doesn’t work
Like this might also be a shoes issue but I think your third pair of pants is letting you down

Will note that I think this would work with those black washed jeans that you wore with the distressed sweater yday or sometime this week idr
And a diff tie probably
ya i know, i mean those things rock
great pick up for me
so are you saying the og107s are too slim?
for hte top block?
i think the shoes are brickign that fit mostly tbh
or not bricking, but hurting
Idk how to say it but I don’t think they connect the shoes to the top
think going loafers would do the right thing there
Although idk what would it seems hard to pull off
But I do think that the vest is hanging and then the 107s and 550s are being normal
And so it doesn’t connect
Although idk if it’d work even still
i don't know if i get that to me the whole fit is normal? like i don't think the vest is super long here or something its just a 50-50 silhouette. Its just a not very out there fit
more of an ivy play than designer play type beat
Okay I kinda see it
which is fine i have range i think the shoes are wrong and thats throwing you off too much
Might need one more ivy cue to fight the vest in that
the though process was def "sneakers to link the streetwear graphic on the vest"
but i htink looking at it
loafers make the vest the statement piece
and it would come together much more cohesively
maybe drop the hat
Yeah shoes would be a good place to do this
Drop hat or hat and tie
If you have a tie that’s not black and isn’t the fcw one
Some lil puma style pattern
this might have been before i got my black loafers too
kid super
but no i need a better t ie
should ebay some
Unironically just alfargos if you’re gonna be at one soon
This one’s interesting because idk what’s wrong with it and it’s close to good

nah the next one i will not be in the country so earliest shot is late march lol
I think it’s a psi issue?
im also burning basically 100% of my vacation time for the year so going will be a bit hard
this predates the slim aldens
the chunky loafers i knew weren't the right ones but brown didn't work
and i didn't have the slim aldens yet
Have u run that fit back with those
no its the winter
O yeah
those pants are light too
They look like it
i need some winter dress slacks that aren't the grey ones
like real wool
That’s why they’re flopping around on the loafers
this one is for sure just shoes
the pants could work if you had a more aggressive shoe
agree the slim aldens pull that together
idk what the slim aldens are but probly yea
these loafers

Feel this bad I’m so short handed rn
ohh tassel loafers yea that could be cool
none super hookign me rn, the FCW i wanted sold out to my surprise (they had 1 left but no one buys FCW)
i need to do another sales sweep
i like the shorts version of this one a lot fwiw
i also wanna save a bit for a leather jacket
:nooooo: me 2 smiles me 2
Same to this not buying a leather
ok good to know, i think i just find the vest weird in a way that is just my brain
dw i gotchu
a leather i think could save someof the fits
like the slim leather tie would be cool with a dr
if you leaned into a it bit more
i don't really fw dr idk, i see what you are saying
my thought was more an A-2
i am pretty open though, no idea what i really want rn
been strugglign to find anything i love
beyond the sacai one which they didn't make in my size
and costs a fortune
do you not have a fortune
I also think you’re kind of idk how to explain it
I want to say pigeonholing yourself but the way you describe your style isn’t really pigeonholing
But I think you’re trying to be smiles a little too hard in some of these
the not being made in my size is the bigger issue
also it sold out immediately
This sounds fucked up but I really don’t know how to say it
no its fine i know what you mean
i know exactly what you mean lmao
nail on head
sometimes im like "this outfit needs something that makes it not just an ivy fit"
"I don't do plain ivy"
You throw a lot of fits, but for me, as an outsider
Like there are a few fits here where I think you’re trying to like do things that you do and you’re saying because it’s things you do it’ll work
I feel like you haven't developed a style of your "own"
A lot of experimentation but I'd try to ask yourself what clothing items make you feel like you
this is a cool thought that makes me question my own experimentation
But it's also important to not pigeon-hole yourself into one particular style
Variety is the spice of life
also one kinda random that is a bit more personal taste than anything "wrong with" some of the fits but i don't love is that I think a few of the less good fits have less going on with where the waistline falls, like they end up split very 50/50 vertically and it just isnt my favorite thing visually. like some of my favorite fits of yours feature the caldwells with something tucked in and i think that's partially because of how high they bring up the waist?? if that makes sense.
Straight leg one day, boot leg the next, wide leg the next is an example of providing variety in your wardrobe
no it makes a lot of sense
dog i agree variety is the spice of life but im gonna be real, idk how you can look at this and not see my own personal style here
I agree w this
Maybe that’s what I was trying to say about the pants I sincerely have no clue
You're asking for feedback
That's what it is
Sorry I'm not glazing you bro
The only thing I see that feels like authentically you are the sweater vests
I think it might be fun to play a little dress up to get out of this
Maybe try to replicate some inspo or like work in the general style of something else
i think take aways rn for me are:
get more pants
play with buttoning and layering
play with inspo
and don't be afraid to play it straight
Yeah I think that’s a good thing to do
not everything needs to have a twist
i would like to say something
hi 雷霆火神200亿矛投向耶路撒冷
i have reviewed your inspiration and cross compared it to how you currently dress
I also think sometimes you’re trying to make a specific twist work because it’s ‘something you would do’ but then the twist isn’t actually good
i just dont think you stretch your shapes enough
In a few of these
lots of your inspo has very intense waistlines, shapes, wide-ness, etc, and it just does not come through in your style
a lot of your clothing fits relatively normal. yeah you have some high waisted stuff, but it's almost always complimented with something that lands waist length on top
:nooooo: English major coming in here saying what i was trying to say but way better
If I jump in here; from your fit pics i see that a lot of things are boxy and the variation is mostly in how wide things are. I think you can experiment with proportions too when you experiment with layering
you tend to play down the interesting proportional stuff you got going on
colorwise / patterwise i cant really comment on because lol
ya, a lot of that is i think i don't have great styling options for like, a light long coat or a super cropped jacket
This is what I was getting at
but i think you're hitting on basically the same thing, not enough silhouette interplay
its pretty much always 50-50 or 2/3 with a 50-50 jacket
i think there's some room for drama in your wardrobe, you tend to exaggerate color and pattern but not really shape
dont listen to dummies who just tell you to figure out the aura or whatever, you got a lot of that probably too much honestly
it was never not you to begin with
Wow seth
i think this is honestly the core takeaway
I do it occasionally with this type of shit but like, more play

Good job 😍 @雷霆火神200亿矛投向耶路撒冷
maybe a batwing level dropped jacket or something
chunkier or pointer toe would have gone insane here btw
longer tie
i always tie my ties too short in these fits lol
i can never get it right either lol
i gotta marinate on this im def struggling to see it on my inspo a bit
like beyond the obvious lol
just draw some boxes
maybe need some cropped sweaters and longer coats (or just wear my longer coats lol)
Honestly….. a big fucking hat or large scarf that would lie unwrapped but resting on the shoulders would go hard here
Something else floppy or that drapes
from what you've said hed mayner ss25 and feng chen wang ss25 might be good directions in terms of inspo for proportion
i didn't post my runway inspo lol
dw its amiri, dries van noten, FCW, Hed Mayner, Knzo, Kid Super, Loewe, and Sacai from ParisFW2024
:xd: smiles but the same dries pants i want pleas e
Kinda off topic but did you see this dries ss25 suit I need $5000

Oman was so down bad for this yesterday
To be fair, I get it
super valid
fine we wanna runway post now?
its more of the same like i went through it after the thread
i need a blazer unironically
i hate it so much
blazers don't fit me but i need one it would be the missing link for a lot fo the siholuttes being mentioned

Unironically I said “get smile in this” last night when I saw that leather tee and gold/silver blazer from the dries show
damn it got a bit mixed up whatever
ya its gorgeous
however i don't fit in dries clothes either lol
their L is tiny
Okay you have gotten me back in here
I think Seth is still right, there’s a lot more play with exaggerated proportions in lots of these runway looks than I think come through in your fits
You own most of the stuff to do something like this no?

I mean kinda obviously because runways push everything to the extremes but I think more of it could carry over
not a blazer or jorts lol
I mean the graphics are adding a lot maybe but I think you can get pretty close to this
i really need a blazer the issue is i would have to go MTM or some shit
or get lucky with an oversized one
Oh yeah your lack of blazer is a big inspo disconnect
But yeah that’s a separate thing
I do feel like there’s a decent number of these that you could try to replicate right now
Or borrow from heavily
I’m assuming this one’s in inspo for the top block layering?

Like I think you could grab a handful of vintage ties off eBay or a random thrift and you could do a lot of the tie stuff today
ya i should do some ebay tie buying
need some Hermes ties
This one is a good example of one that could benefit from everyone else’s comments about shape. The vest and shirt are about as middle-of-the road classical fit as possible, and everything hits at a traditional waist. You could play around with an oversized/baggier & either longer or cropped vest or switching out the pants with something with an exaggerated high waist that was visible.
Bet you could do a lot with a Sillage blazer
Not sure I'm entitled to give anyone feedback as I'm new to this (so take what I say with a grain of salt), but I feel like you pull it off great when you pair a more complex piece with simple ones, but some of the louder combos I'm just not loving. This wasnt the only place I saw it, but was the most obvious to highlight what I'm talking about. #2 looks good, I'm not loving #1. And it isn't just a matter of not liking the pants. Because despite not being to my tastes, I think you pull them off great with plainer tops.

hi smiles i havent backread this thread yet but it seems like the long black coat could be replaced with a coat of a different color to make the outfits look more like you did not just have only one coat option
imo the coat looks wonderful here

but here its just a coat

maybe its a lighting thing too lol