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Created by smoke on 7/22/2024 in #⛅|pods
A100 OneTrainer stuck in downloading loop
No description
5 replies
Created by smoke on 7/22/2024 in #⛅|pods
Hi there, I am trying out the OneTrainer template but how do I see the actual GUI? Since there is no web app. Is there some VNC connection?
7 replies
Created by smoke on 7/10/2024 in #⚡|serverless
socket.gaierror: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution
Just had this issue when trying to upload trained checkpoints to CloudFlare R2. Used to work before but all of a sudden this error showed up and caused the request to R2 to fail. What can be the cause of this? I’m using the built in RunPod Python helper function to upload to S3 and it used to work fine
10 replies
Created by smoke on 7/8/2024 in #⚡|serverless
SDXL Dreambooth - can’t load model
No description
48 replies
Created by smoke on 7/7/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Dreambooth training taking very long (even for 1000 steps) [4090]
No description
4 replies
Created by smoke on 7/6/2024 in #⚡|serverless
CUDA out of memory (80GB GPU)
No description
8 replies
Created by smoke on 6/28/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Kohya-ss on serverless
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone got Kohya setup successfully via a serverless endpoint on RunPod
5 replies
Created by smoke on 3/1/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Docker image cache
Hi there, I am quite new to RunPod so I could be wrong but my Docker image is quite large and before my serverless endpoint actually runs, the endpoint is in the 'Initializing' state for quite long. Is there a way to cache this image across endpoints or does this already happen? This is the first request I am doing so it might already be cached for this endpoint but not quite sure. I'd appreciate it! I am not using the network volume/storage so maybe that's also why.
123 replies
Created by smoke on 2/19/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Estimated time comparison - Comfy UI
Hi everyone, I've been looking at the various different GPU options for serverless and I am trying to see if anyone has a rough estimate of how many times each GPU would be faster/slower and if this is even possible to calculate. There is no actual formula obviously but I am wondering if someone has similar experiences. In my case, it takes around 355 seconds to run my workflow on my local machine (GTX 3080 Ti). Is there a rough estimate on how long this would take on the serverless GPU's? I assume that it will be faster. I will compare all the GPU's soon anyways but I was just wondering.
7 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by smoke on 5/20/2023 in #help
Relations module - or condition
Hi there! I have a teams table, an users table, and a team_members table that connects these two. A team also has an ownerId column. Currently I have a query that fetches all the teams of an userId whether they are connected through the ownerId column or the join table. I was wondering if this is possible using the new relations module? Since this is a many-to-many, but also an one-to-many, with an 'or' condition.
40 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by smoke on 5/19/2023 in #help
drizzle-kit: Error: Cannot find module 'drizzle-orm/version'
Hi there, when I run the following command: pnpx drizzle-kit generate:pg, I get the following error and I am not sure why:
drizzle-kit: v0.17.6

const err = new Error(message);

Error: Cannot find module 'drizzle-orm/version'
Require stack:
- /Users/user/Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-5856/node_modules/.pnpm/drizzle-kit@0.17.6/node_modules/drizzle-kit/index.js
drizzle-kit: v0.17.6

const err = new Error(message);

Error: Cannot find module 'drizzle-orm/version'
Require stack:
- /Users/user/Library/pnpm/store/v3/tmp/dlx-5856/node_modules/.pnpm/drizzle-kit@0.17.6/node_modules/drizzle-kit/index.js
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^18.15.5",
"@types/pg": "^8.6.6",
"drizzle-kit": "0.17.6",
"ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0",
"typescript": "^5.0.2"
"dependencies": {
"drizzle-orm": "^0.25.4",
"pg": "^8.11.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^18.15.5",
"@types/pg": "^8.6.6",
"drizzle-kit": "0.17.6",
"ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0",
"typescript": "^5.0.2"
"dependencies": {
"drizzle-orm": "^0.25.4",
"pg": "^8.11.0"
8 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by smoke on 4/1/2023 in #help
Select exists
Hi there, I was wondering if there is currently a good way of performing a ‘select exists’, to check whether a specific row exists. I could use the exists expression as a subquery, but this is not the same as the select exists if I only want to check if a record exists without returning the values. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. I could just perform a raw query but there might be some better solutions.
7 replies