Created by BloodDrunk on 7/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Testing resource CRUD using PHPUnit
Hello, I need to write tests as the title says for resource, the filament documentation on testing talks of Pest framework but I need to use PHPUnit, and it also says its easily adaptable to PHPUnit, but with no further instructions. Did anyone do this before, and if so, can someone point me in the right direction? I have no idea how to begin writing tests for filament framework. It will also require tests for attaching and detaching records for many to many, and other relationships, but I guess I will manage if I even get to start with this somehow.
3 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 7/1/2024 in #❓┊help
temporary upload file
When selecting the file for uploading, while it's loading for a preview, the file is stored in the livewire-tmp folder. If the form is successfully completed (record created or updated), the file is handled properly. BUT, if I for example start to create a new record, or edit existing record, and change the uploaded file (select new), the new file is stored in livewire-tmp, and then if I cancel the action and go back to the homescreen or whatever, the file remains in the livewire-tmp folder. This is an issue. How do I go about handling this?
4 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 6/20/2024 in #❓┊help
sushi many to many relation manager
Has anyone managed to get sushi model and filament relation manager to work together? I have a sushi role model and a normal user model, and i would like to have a many to many relation manager between role and user combined with Select component. I tried implementing it as a normal relation manager as per filament tutorial, as if the role model was normal model instead of sushi but I simply get pivot table role_user doesnt exist, even tho it exists. How is the procedure for that?
5 replies
Created by BloodDrunk on 5/9/2024 in #❓┊help
Filament export events (export start, export finish)
Does the export action functionality offer some kind of ability to execute functions on events such as described? Example: when I click "export table" button, I get the notification that the export has begun, and then once the export job finished, within notifications menu I have the notification that the export is complete and I can download it. What I would like to do is attach a custom functionality on the "export complete", specifically, I wanna send a notification that the export is complete adn ready to download, not wait for the (1) notification indicator to show above notification bell icon. I did scour the documents, but I can't find anything specifically related to my problem. I hope I have described the problem sufficiently. Thank you for any help.
2 replies