Just Simeon
Weird Error without stacktrace
Hello, I am trying to upload a file using google's storage library. However whenever I call the method I get this error:
ERROR [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it
I am following google's docs to properly upload the file and can't spot something off. Here is my code:
the 3 console.logs are being execute properly and their output is also correct.5 replies
Deployment on Cloud Run
Hey so I tried following this guide: https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/quickstarts/frameworks/deploy-nuxtjs-service to deploy my nuxt 3 app to cloud run. while building the image worked flawlessly, clod run tries to execute "yarn start" in order to start the app. It appears something has changed since this guide was made and I will need some assistance to get it running. I am using Nuxt with the v4-compat template and the ui module. so far nothing has been added to the app.
5 replies
Expose endpoints only internally
Hey, for our use-case I would like to prevent users from directly accessing the API. I would like to make it so only nuxt is able to access the nitro endpoints and return a 403 if someone directly tries to access them.
2 replies
how to get the Content-Disposition header
Hello, in the script section of my page I am getting a file from by spring Backend. its a blob response and I need the file name, however the content-disposition is not exposed in the $fetch response. Also using $fetch.raw doesn't help.
2 replies
Help with exporting composable from Custom Module [Still need help]
Hey so I am working on a Nuxt 3 Module that adds support for Neo4J.
I have come pretty far and the Module is on npm and also on github https://github.com/DerSimeon/NeoNuxt
Unfortunately when I try to use it, I get this error:
Package subpath './dist/runtime/server/composables/NeoDriver' is not defined by "exports" in G:\Project X\Web\apply\node_modules\neonuxt\package.json imported from G:\Project X\Web\apply\.nuxt\dev\index.mjs
Does anyone know how to fix it?32 replies
Package import specifier "#imports" is not defined
Hey as you can see from the Title I am experiencing this error.
I am running Nuxt 3 (with v4 compat) and color-mode is giving that error once I open my website.
these are my packages:
and this is the full error:
6 replies
Looking for Auth Advice
Hello, I am looking for some guidance on how to make my Authentication.
I have multiple nuxt apps that will all share the same user account. I would like to have a central login.
My current Idea would be:
Lets say I want to login to test.example.com, it will then redirect me to account.example.com?redirect=https://text.example.com/auth/callback
where I will be prompted to login with Discord (Discord will be the only login provider) and after that it will redirect me back to text.example.com/auth/callback?code=JWT_OR_Something_like_that
Is there a better solution to this? I will like to not use any third party software such as keycloak
2 replies
Min Values for Number Inputs, labels for Inputs
Hello, is there an easy way to add minimum values for numerical inputs and also a way to prevent exponents (e) from being used?
Also I see there is no integrated way to add Labels to Inputs, would that be something that could be added?
2 replies
500 | Cannot find module global/window
Hey, after building my app and uploading it I get this:
Cannot find module '/var/www/vod-stage/server/node_modules/global/window' imported from /var/www/vod-stage/server/chunks/build/index-Dh3Vhq6T.mjs Did you mean to import global/window.js?
Anyone know what to do? @ me please3 replies
Subdomain for the API
Hey, I want to use Nuxt for a project. For the Frontend itself I only need Endpoints from the server folder. However I would like to have a dedicated subdomain only for the api. so when I do https://api.somedomain.com/api/v1/hello the request will go to nitro instead of to the frontend.
Is that somehow possible?
4 replies
lru-cache missing [Unresolved]
Hey I updated our nuxt3 frontend today using
nuxt upgrade
and also updated all deps. Unfortunately when building the Project and pushing it to our server we can't run it because of this error: Cannot find package 'lru-cache' imported from /var/www/vod-stage/server/index.mjs
yarn dev locally and also using node .output/server/index.mjs
locally in the project works, but not when build.17 replies