Can 1 Custom Page Class have more than 1 table ?
so i have this custom page class containing table more than 1 but not working causing error pp\Filament\Resources\MentorMonitoringResource\Pages\MentorDashboard::programRequestsTable(): Argument #1 ($programRequestsTable) must be of type Filament\Tables\Table, Filament\Infolists\Infolist given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\dankos-internship-program\vendor\filament\infolists\src\Concerns\InteractsWithInfolists.php on line 56
4 replies
How to make wizard keep its input data after accidental refresh
By default if users accidentally refresh their browser, the wizard progress automaticly reset all input,
How do i make it keep its inputted data? i dont want to frustate my users since the wizard have alot of steps
9 replies
How do i register a user for 2nd panel from admin panel?
So im building a 3 panel app , 1st admin, 2nd mentor, 3rd interns,
Only interns login panel have a registration() button, the admin and mentor login panel doesn't have the registration(),
Im planning to add the mentor panel user from admin panel menu, so like registering mentor email & password from admin side,
I tried using UserResource and asssign mentor role to the account, but when i tried login using the /mentor panel, it said it didn't recognize the account
Im using Shield for role and permission
3 replies
is it possible to use single login page to redirect to their own panel based on role?
Im building an intern management app where there will be 3 roles such as admin, mentors, and interns.
im really wondering if you could use just a single login page then redirects them to their own panel based on their role? bare with me cause im really new to filament and laravel, thank you
16 replies
is 2 cores 2gb server enough for filament with 3 differenet panels each for admin, mentor, intern?
Im really in the rush right now casue i got an internship for building a internship management program for around 3 month, im consedering using filament for rapid development , but i have concerns regarding the server requirement , can 2 cores 2gb ram server handle around 400+ request in peak hour such in the morning and evening? thanks alot, im really really a newbie in this field
5 replies
Can i show infolist page without requiring visitor to log in?
Im building a 3 panel app for 3 different user , first for admin, second for mentor , third for intern.
its like a job portal without requiring login to see available position,
could you be able to do that in filament v3? please guide im new to filament ,thank you
4 replies