Created by tobi on 7/8/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt separate API and app for production
Maybe a dumb question, but I didn't find a proper solution in the docs, or here, or on the internet (or I just overlooked it ..) Is it possible to build and deploy a nuxt spa + nuxt nitro server separately? Asking because the client spa shall be bundled with tauri, which then calls the nuxt/nitro api published somewhere else. Another option would be to bundle the server into the tauri app itself, but I didn't get nitro to run inside tauri.. Has anybody done something similiar already and can give some advice? Thanks!
14 replies
Created by tobi on 4/23/2024 in #❓・help
How to cancel a server fetch call to a remote endpoint?
Hey guys, I need a way to cancel a request made from nitro to multiple external dotnet core apis - and I didn't find a way to "forward" the cancellation from the the nuxt frontend to the nuxt/nitro backend. Can anyone help me? Is this even possible? Background: The endpoints do some complex longer running tasks and it would be awesome if the get cancelled (as they normally would if the calling end closes/ends the connection)
2 replies