How to Edit the Data of a Repeater
How do I modify the data of a repeater? In my model, a category has subcategories, and a warehouse has locations.
For the form, I managed to load the subcategories based on the selected category and to load the locations after selecting the warehouse.
Then, a product has a subcategory (based on this, I get the category) and multiple locations (based on each location, I should get the warehouse). In the edit mode, I’ve already managed to load the category based on the subcategory, but I can’t load the warehouses based on the locations. How could I do that? Thanks in advance.
7 replies
How should I use Filament in my system?
In my setup, users can have one of three roles: admin, doctor, or patient. Should I create a separate Admin PanelProvider for each role? Is that possible? My concern is that the default PanelProvider uses "admin" for its ID and path, so I'm wondering if I should create two additional providers with IDs and paths corresponding to each role. Or is it better and more recommended to use a single panel and restrict options based on roles, as is commonly done?
6 replies