DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.


I want study firmware with friends.

Hello, everyone. I've been studying firmware and hardware design for 2 years. I want to do with friends together. Pls DM me if you want to study with me. I know - STM32...
Okpara Elvis
Okpara Elvis5/14/2024

my ESP32 Cam display is not sharp enough

Hello guys my ESP32 Cam display is not sharp enough How can I increase its brightness...

How to Resolve Connection Errors When Uploading Code to ATmega32A Microcontroller?

Good morning everyone! Now, every time I try to upload the code to my microcontroller, it gives me an error that it can't establish a connection with the target chip. I've checked the connection more than twenty times, and I'm sure it's correct. I've also simulated the code, and it works fine on Proteus. Even though it's a simple code just to toggle an LED, I keep getting this error. Could the issue be with the microcontroller? I have three microcontrollers, and I've tried them all, but they all...

How to Enable Raspberry Pi Camera Interface on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with Camera Rev 1.3?

hi everyone my raspberry pi is 4 model b and my pi camera is 1.3 rev .. and there is no option 'camera' in the "interfaces option" to enable the cam i try to update and upgrade and i try vcgencmd get_camera i receive this output :supported =0 detected=0 , libcamera interfaces =0 any help please...

How to create and write data in .xlsx file into the SD card using any microcontrollers like stm32,

Does anyone know how to create and write data in .xlsx file into the SD card using any microcontrollers like stm32, esp32?

When we talk about wifi esp32 / esp8266 is the first choice, are ther other alternatives?

When we talk about wifi esp32 / esp8266 is the first choice, are ther other alternatives? There are any microcontrollers with built is wifi ?

anybody around here involved with reed-switch manufacturing/testing/selection?

anybody around here involved with reed-switch manufacturing/testing/selection? Niche subject... I'm creating a tester for reed switch parameters since about a year as my side job, and it's been fascinating to see that reed switches are everywhere yet I've never met anybody working with them/distributing them besides the friends I am working with.
aymen ammari
aymen ammari5/8/2024

ESP8266 Water Level Device: Tips & Pinout

Hi everyone, my client asked me for a water level measuring device, just like I made earlier but in this time with esp8266, now this is the first time I work with it, can anyone give information about it... Speed.. Pinout, anything to put in mind before starting??

What is the best course/source to learn how to easily transfer from arduino ide and to esp ode?

What is the best course/source to learn how to easily transfer from arduino ide and to esp ode for esp32

Load Cell Calibration Challenges: Troubleshooting Parameters?

Hello, i'm trying to calibrate my load cell to get the right weight.. using rassbpery pi pico &i try it with arduino uno i've followed readme file of the library HX711 wich says start with no weight..than devide the raw value by the known weight to get scale factor But the result printed is always different(-/+)..even if i don't touch nothing, the weight the scale nothing... so how can i get the right paramater to pass to "set_scale()"?...
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I want to venture into Arduino development, what are the things I will need to get to get started

I want to venture into Arduino development, what are the things I will need to get to get started, and if you have any resources or course that will helpful please share. Thanks
Okpara Elvis
Okpara Elvis5/6/2024

how to install my ESP32 development board on Arduino IDE V2?

Hello everyone, I'm looking for guidance on how to install my ESP32 development board on Arduino IDE V2. What steps and procedures do I need to follow? @PCB & Analog

Getting Started with IoT and Raspberry Pi

Hey, I am currently learning and building an IoT project using Raspberry Pi

Ask a Developer: Getting Started with Reference Designs

Reference designs. They can literally get the job done for you. After all, why reinvent a wheel someone else has already developed and validated? @.PetrDvorak is a big advocate of following reference designs as closely as you possibly can, even in commercial products. Why trade a sure thing for the unknown when dealing with components as complex as a modern Ethernet controller, for example? But Petr knows where to find reference designs that align closely with his projects. Do you? In this Ask a Developer demo video, @Petr Dvořák explains why and where you can find reference designs to match any system build, and the steps you should take in there isn't one available to meet your needs....
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Is there a way to fix this my ESP32CAM?

Hii guys . On an ESP32CAM, I desoldered the resistor to put the external antenna there. And there the drama 😔 Is there a way to fix this? Even if it means going back without an external antenna? Thank you....
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Does anyone know how to keep the large Neopixel LED on the GEMMA M0 board turned off?

Hello everyone , Does anyone know how to keep the large Neopixel LED on the GEMMA M0 board turned off? It consumes energy for nothing, but in all the code examples I've seen, there's nothing for this LED... Thanks in advance.
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi4/30/2024

how can I transfer audio data from ISR to a task using queues on my STM32F401 with FreeRTOS?

So guys please how can I efficiently transfer 433-byte audio data from an ISR to a task using queues on my STM32F401 with FreeRTOS? Because the ISR frequency is causing data loss, resulting in noisy audio recordings. Any alternatives to ensure a smooth data transfer? @Middleware & OS @MCU, MPU & Firmware...
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I need GPS chips, small they dont takr big space in pcb

good morning team, I need GPS chips, small they dont takr big space in pcb, the desired application is wearble device, i need gps used in smart watches and phones
boualleg sabrina
boualleg sabrina4/25/2024

I want to learn more about how to use timers in stm32

hello guys , I want to learn more about how to use timers in stm32 , can you help me with some resources?

Has anyone experience with the integrated pcie block from the xilinx 7 series fpga's?

Has anyone experience with the integrated pcie block from the xilinx 7 series fpga's? I cannot get is to identify as an memory controller. Of course, I selected it in the configuration dialog, but my cpu always reports it as an simple communication controller.