hey! it would be very helpful if somebody can explain to me how the youtube algorithm works these days...whats the perfect time for vids to be, ho often to upload,... also how does it work on twich? how do you get more views useing the algorithms?
5 Replies
ArmaDildo2y ago
also how can i get my shit up to recomended?
No one truly knows how the algorithm works, we likely never will. Though you can get a lot of insight from reading this FAQ directly from Google Discovery and Performance FAQ: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/141805/ As far as when to upload, that depends on your audience, and there is a tab in YouTube studio title "When your viewers are on YouTube" which can give a idea of when to upload Twitch doesn't really use an algorithm, nothing like YouTubes anyways. Depending on what you stream, you will be placed in a list in that genre/category and that list is ranked from highest to lowest view count
Discovery and performance FAQs - YouTube Help
YouTube’s search and discovery system helps viewers find the videos they’re most likely to watch and maximize long-term viewer satisfaction. Get answers about your video and channel performance wi
roblox skullsoldier (leoN)
There isn't a perfect time to upload, each account likely has a different best time to upload as each account optimizes to a different pocket of audience. Uploading often is good, but being inconsistent is not good. Don't upload every day if you know you can't sustain that over years. YouTube is about long-term growth through consistency. I recommend using high YouTube search volume terms in your title, tags, description and wherever else. There is software online that can help find them. You may also choose to cross reference this with search terms on Google. Because YouTube videos are shown when someone searches on Google. Google trends is a good way, but I recommend looking at search volume rather than trends usually, as something may seem to be trending a lot but with low search volume. You can see search volume for free with google keywords planner if I remember correctly. Another good tool is Keywords Everywhere, but you will need to pay $10 for credits with it. But it will last for a very long time. Don't pay though until you're making money off of YouTube as you don't need to. I also recommend making content for another language if you know another language. Less people make content for languages other than English. Copy what an English content creator does in a video 1:1 in another language and you should see pretty good growth. But make sure to choose one language and stick with it for each YouTube channel. Don't keep swapping your languages you use in videos. Otherwise English viewers will see content in Spanish and they won't click on it or like it or watch a high % and stuff like that. That will show YouTube that your content isn't good as the target audience doesn't like it.
ArmaDildo2y ago
rhanks to both of you!!! it helps alot!!!!
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